November 1, 2013

Asia’s Power List
How the region’s political and business leaders rank among the world’s power elite, according to a new list.

China and the International Antipiracy Effort
Preferring to go it alone, Beijing still makes positive parallel contributions. Part two of a two-part series.

Last Words From the Khmer Rouge as Tribunal End Nears
Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan deny responsibility for genocide.

Wasserstrom: 10 Things Japanese Should Know About China
Acclaimed author on corruption, nationalism, and territorial disputes.

Lt. Gen. Ajay Kumar Singh
This week, The Diplomat’s Sanjay Kumar spoke with Lieutenant General Ajay Kumar Singh, lieutenant government of the Indian Union Territory of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, about their strategic importance, developing tourism, protecting the indigenous population, which includes some of the last isolated peoples on the planet.

Why China Will Determine If Asia Goes to War
As it rises, Beijing’s foreign policy choices will shape Asia’s security environment.

Rebiya Kadeer
This week, The Diplomat’s Joseph Hammond spoke with Uyghur activist Rebiya Kadeer about the recent unrest in Xinjiang, international support for the Uyghur cause, and her own recent role.

Robert E. Kelly
The Diplomat’s James Pach spoke with regular contributor Robert E. Kelly about North Korea’s return to provocation, the performance of South Korean President Park Geun-hye, the significance of President Obama cancelling his Asia visit, and why the West really needs to keep the rise of China in perspective.