
April 2014

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How Chinese Think About Terrorism

How Chinese Think About Terrorism

By Dingding Chen and Ding Xuejie
A survey of Chinese attitudes in the wake of the March attack on Kunming.
India: Dehorning the Rhino

India: Dehorning the Rhino

By Nava Thakuria
A proposed initiative aimed at saving a vulnerable animal angers conservationists.

Mongolia’s Chance for a Prosperous Future

Mongolia’s Chance for a Prosperous Future

By Sebastian Paust
Despite development obstacles, Mongolia could boost its economy through careful regional integration.

A Tale of Two Diseases: Tuberculosis Control and Malaria Eradication in China

A Tale of Two Diseases: Tuberculosis Control and Malaria Eradication in China

By Yanzhong Huang
Investments in fighting the two diseases have produced two starkly different outcomes.

US Navy’s LCS Is Unfit for the Asia-Pacific

US Navy’s LCS Is Unfit for the Asia-Pacific

By Zachary Keck
A new Congressional report says the Littoral Combat Ship is not suited for operations in the 7th Fleet.
Can Obama Save the Asia Pivot?

Can Obama Save the Asia Pivot?

By Ankit Panda and Zachary Keck
Our U.S. Editors discuss President Obama’s upcoming trip to Asia and potentially stabilizing developments in Asia.

How to Fight Online Rumors: Restore Chinese Media's Credibility

How to Fight Online Rumors: Restore Chinese Media's Credibility

By Yang Hengjun
If China's official media had popular credibility, Internet rumors wouldn't be a problem.
To Buy or Not to Buy? A Dilemma for Taiwan’s Navy

To Buy or Not to Buy? A Dilemma for Taiwan’s Navy

By J. Michael Cole
Taiwan's Navy is considering the purchase of Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigates. Does it really need them?

Japan to Station Troops on Yonaguni, Near Disputed Islands

Japan to Station Troops on Yonaguni, Near Disputed Islands

By Shannon Tiezzi
Japan will station 100 troops and radar on its westernmost island, located 108 kilometers east of Taiwan.

Philippines Looking to Procure US Hamilton-class Warship

Philippines Looking to Procure US Hamilton-class Warship

By Ankit Panda
Also, Thailand may build an additional littoral patrol ship, a U.S. general angers China, and the PLA looks to space.

China Threatens Taiwan’s Reputation

China Threatens Taiwan’s Reputation

By Michal Thim
It is China's unification agenda that threatens Taiwan's international reputation, not the Sunflower Movement.
India’s Worsening Water Crisis

India’s Worsening Water Crisis

By Ram Mashru
114 million Indians will soon face desperate domestic, agricultural and industrial shortages borne of a water crisis.

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