
April 2014

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Obama in Malaysia: A Strategic Partnership?

Obama in Malaysia: A Strategic Partnership?

By Joshua Kurlantzick
During his upcoming visit, the U.S. president should not ignore the serious recent setbacks in Malaysian democracy.
Measuring Naval Power: Bigger Ain’t Always Better

Measuring Naval Power: Bigger Ain’t Always Better

By James R. Holmes
Aggregate tonnage alone doesn’t win naval battles in the modern era, and suggesting otherwise is dangerous.

Apple iWatch Rumor Roundup

Apple iWatch Rumor Roundup

By Vlad Andrici
Making sense of the mass of speculation about a potential wearable device.

China Expands Cyber Spying

China Expands Cyber Spying

By Zachary Keck
Mandiant’s latest report concludes Chinese cyber espionage has expanded despite embarrassing public exposures.

Obama’s Approval Rating Rises in Asia

Obama’s Approval Rating Rises in Asia

By Zachary Keck
Obama’s approval ratings in Asia rose 8 percent last year, even as they declined among those most concerned about China.
After Taiwan Protests, Chinese Leaders Stress Continued Cross-Strait Ties

After Taiwan Protests, Chinese Leaders Stress Continued Cross-Strait Ties

By Shannon Tiezzi
Beijing wants to carry on as normal with cross-strait relations. Will that be possible after the Sunflower Movement?

In India, Politics Is Criminal

In India, Politics Is Criminal

By Ram Mashru
One-third of Indian MPs have criminal charges pending. Can this situation be fixed?
Philippines, United States Agree on New Security Accord

Philippines, United States Agree on New Security Accord

By Ankit Panda
The agreement will be signed by President Obama when he visits the Philippines later this month.

South Korea, United States Hold Largest Ever Joint Air Drill

South Korea, United States Hold Largest Ever Joint Air Drill

By Ankit Panda
Plus, China's new Shenyang J-15 jet makes an appearance, and the U.S. Air Force's A-10 gets ready to retire.

China Postpones Panda Diplomacy With Malaysia

China Postpones Panda Diplomacy With Malaysia

By Shannon Tiezzi
Plus, the Sunflower Movement moves on, pollution data from Beijing, and US football in Chongqing. Friday China links.

The Growing Media Presence of Pakistan’s Militants

The Growing Media Presence of Pakistan’s Militants

By Arsla Jawaid
Through media intimidation and neglect, militants are gaining access to an increasingly large audience in Pakistan.
US-ASEAN Defense Ministers Meet in Hawaii

US-ASEAN Defense Ministers Meet in Hawaii

By Carl Thayer
The meeting marks the first time ASEAN ministers have met in the United States.

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