June 2014

The Rise of Wildlife Trafficking in the Pacific
By Bianca De Bortoli
Transnational criminal networks are wreaking havoc on the regional environment. Can they be stopped?

An Australia-China FTA in 2014?
By Kevin Placek
The two governments appear to be moving closer to agreement on several key issues.

Is the EU Supporting Authoritarianism in Myanmar?
By Yola Verbruggen
The military retains power, and critics claim that its reforms have been superficial.

The Closing of the Chinese Mind
By James R. Holmes
China’s new ideological control measures are a major strategic blunder.

A Glimmer of Hope for Inter-Korean Dialogue
By Yong Kwon
The Kaesong Committee’s recent meeting made little tangible progress but did set the stage for future meetings.

Is China a Paper Tiger?
By Zachary Keck
Plus, Fukuyama on the absurdity of U.S. foreign policy. Weekend reading links.

The Partisan Nature of American Foreign Policy
By Ankit Panda
Americans are split along partisan lines in terms of how they see the U.S. role in the world.

Afghans Protest Fraudulent Election Practices
By Ankit Panda
Abdullah Abdullah's supporters have taken to the streets to protest allegations of fraud and ballot-stuffing.

China Showcases Gentler Approach to Taiwan
By Shannon Tiezzi
In a first, the head of the mainland's Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) visited Taiwan to discuss cross-strait issues.

China Is a Different Kind of Global Power
By Dingding Chen
Don't expect China to become another United States. It's a good thing that China is just being China.

The Consequences of Linguistic Chauvinism
By Sanjay Kumar
India should note the lessons of Pakistan’s failed language policy.

US, China Harbor Concerns About RIMPAC
By Shannon Tiezzi
Plus, Xi's anti-corruption campaign, trouble for foreign NGOs, and Xi's visit to Korea. Friday China links.