June 2014

With Protests Looming, Beijing Promotes Its Vision for Hong Kong
By Shannon Tiezzi
With the planned Occupy Central movement drawing near, Beijing claims ultimate political control over Hong Kong.

Abbott in Awkward Spot on Climate Change
By Kevin Placek
Australia increasingly looks out of step with the international community ahead of the upcoming G20 summit.

Japanese Researcher Retracts ‘Breakthrough’ Research Paper
By Han Zhang
A stunning discovery turns out to be stunningly wrong, putting Japan’s research institutions under scrutiny.

New Komeito Fighting Back on Collective Self-Defense
By Clint Richards
Japan’s ruling coalition appears no closer to Cabinet approval than when talks started last month.

The Drone Strike Narrative in Pakistan
By Farooq Yousaf
The discourse surrounding drone strikes in the FATA region has always been complex.

China: Wealth and Democracy
By Christopher Ernest Barber
Will Western levels of income mean that China adopts Western models of democracy?

A Clear and Present Danger to India’s Secularism
By Shamil Shams
Narendra Modi presents a multi-faceted challenge to India’s long-cherished secularism.

China ‘Internationalizes’ South China Sea Dispute
By Zachary Keck
By raising the oil rig dispute with Vietnam at the UN, China risks setting a dangerous precedent for itself.

Abenomics Structural Reform ‘Arrow’ Faltering
By Clint Richards
Abe’s proposed population and agricultural reforms lack the systemic change needed to solve entrenched problems.

The United States Just Closed Its Last Base in Central Asia
By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
What the closure of Manas’ Transit Center means for Central Asia’s future.

In China, Local Leaders Defy Beijing on Reforms
By Zachary Keck
China's top leaders continue to struggle to get local and provincial governments to implement economic reforms.

Would You Like an F-35 With Your Aegis?
By Zachary Keck
It’s no coincidence that the Asian nations with Aegis combat systems are also the ones buying the F-35.