December 2015

India: Maritime Strategy and ‘Brand-Building’
By Abhijit Singh
The Indian Navy has released a new maritime security strategy document.

Pakistani Diplomat With Terror Links Recalled from Bangladesh
By Ankit Panda
This is the second such incident this year involving personnel at Pakistan's high commission in Bangladesh.

Malaysia Passes Controversial National Security Law
By Prashanth Parameswaran
The National Security Council bill is another step closer to becoming a reality.

What if the Kuomintang Had Won the Chinese Civil War?
By Benjamin David Baker
What would China’s history look like if Chiang Kai-shek had ignored George C. Marshall’s request in 1946?

China Defends Controversial Anti-Terror Law
By Shannon Tiezzi
China's draft anti-terror law -- the bane of foreign tech firms -- is moving closer to becoming reality.

Can a Court Case Resurrect the Congress Party in India?
By Sanjay Kumar
The Grand Old Party of Indian politics is trying to revitalize itself during a controversial court case against it.

TeliaSonera Makes Progress Toward Leaving Eurasia
By Catherine Putz
Having secured an exit from Nepal, Tajikistan reminds the company why Central Asia is such a tricky market.

Shenzhen Landslide Exposes China's Problem With Construction Waste
By Liu Qin
Shenzhen is running out of options for disposing of its construction waste.

Indonesia Still Mulling New Submarine Purchase
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Which submarine type will Jakarta end up buying?

Japan: China Sent Armed Coast Guard Vessel Near Disputed Islands
By Shannon Tiezzi
For the first time, China sent an armed vessel into disputed waters near the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands.

In Russia, Indian PM Looks to Close Major Defense Deals
By Ankit Panda
Narendra Modi's state visit to Russia could result in a bevy of important defense deals.

Kyrgyzstan Withdraws from Negotiations Over Kumtor Gold Mine
By Catherine Putz
Remember, all that glitters... will be stalled in seemingly endless politicking.