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A ‘Blurry’ Union: Kyrgyzstan and the Eurasian Economic Union

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A ‘Blurry’ Union: Kyrgyzstan and the Eurasian Economic Union

Six months into EEU membership, a Kyrgyz official says it’s too soon to really talk about the impact.

A ‘Blurry’ Union: Kyrgyzstan and the Eurasian Economic Union
Credit: Wikimedia Commons/

Kyrgyzstan completed its accession to the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) in August 2015, eight months after the union’s official launch and three months after Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambayev signed the agreements with the leaders of the other member states–Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Armenia–in Moscow. But as Oleg Pankratov, the deputy prime minister, said at a press conference this week, the results of Kyrgyzstan’s accession to the union–which boasts a single market of 183 million people–are mixed.

As reported by, Pankratov offered several comments regarding Kyrgyzstan’s decision to join the union and the outcomes so far. “The effect of Kyrgyzstan’s accession to the Eurasian Economic Union turned out to be blurry,” he said.

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