November 2016

China's Approach to the Middle East Looks Familiar
By Massoud Hayoun
Despite repudiating American foreign policy, China now borrows heavily from U.S.-style Middle Eastern diplomacy.

Embattled South Korean President Park Geun-hye Announces Intent to Resign, Conditional on Lawmakers
By Ankit Panda
South Korea's "Choi-gate" political scandal finally forces Park Geun-hye to plan for an exit from power.

North Korea Issues Final Word on the Obama Years, Looking Ahead to Trump
By Ankit Panda
An unusual foreign ministry memo from Pyongyang outlined North Korea's bottom line for any talks with the United States.

Power Struggle Continues Inside Afghan Government
By Catherine Putz
With all this politicking, it’s easy to see why Afghans and Afghanistan’s allies alike are frustrated and confused.

Terror and Protest: 2 Trials End in Kazakhstan
By Catherine Putz
As Astana faces its 25th independence anniversary, Kazakhstan has some introspection to do on its much-touted unity.

China Protests Singapore’s Military Exercise With Taiwan
By Cal Wong
Singapore's Terrex Infantry Carrier Vehicles are held up in Hong Kong on their way back from an exercise in Taiwan.

How Will President Trump Deal With China?
By Xie Tao
It's almost impossible to predict how Trump will approach the world's most important bilateral relationship.

Can the Nuclear Deal With Japan Get India Into the Nuclear Suppliers Group?
By Baisali Mohanty
How far does the bilateral deal go in legitimizing India as a nuclear state?

8 Years After the 26/11 Mumbai Attacks: A Review of India’s Coastal Security
By Abhijit Singh
Despite advances since 26/11, critical gaps remain in India’s coastal security.

Is Vietnam Reigniting a Fire in the South China Sea?
By Nguyen Quoc-Thanh
Hanoi is starting to feel more and more isolated as its regional neighbors reconcile with China.

What's In a Hat? Indian Culture on Politicians’ Heads
By Krzysztof Iwanek
In India, you can test the dialogue between culture and politics through headgear.

The 3 Big Challenges Facing Pakistan Next Army Chief
By Umair Jamal
Pakistan’s next military chief faces a wide range of challenges on both the domestic and external fronts.