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Modi’s Strategic Foreign Policy Vision: A Glass Half Full

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Modi’s Strategic Foreign Policy Vision: A Glass Half Full

Modi has made strides on a geoeconomic vision, but India still lacks a clear geopolitical strategy.

Modi’s Strategic Foreign Policy Vision: A Glass Half Full
Credit: Flickr/ Narendra Modi

On May 26, the BJP government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi will complete three years in office in India. This is a good time to evaluate the performance of the government including its foreign policy – just after it has completed half its tenure, and just before it starts gearing up for the next general election.

The Modi government’s achievements need to be seen in light of the fact that traditionally New Delhi has never publicly asserted – and arguably, never set for itself – the hierarchy of long-, medium-, and short-term goals of foreign policy and the instruments to achieve these. Occasionally, some governments have laid down strategy – for example, PV Narsimha Rao’s “Look East” Policy, IK Gujral’s “Gujral Doctrine,” or AB Vajpayee’s vision on nuclear policy – but an Indian “grand strategy” has remained conspicuous for its absence. Consequently, Indian foreign policy has often been reactive.

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