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South Korea-ASEAN Summitry Will Spotlight Moon’s New Southern Policy

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South Korea-ASEAN Summitry Will Spotlight Moon’s New Southern Policy

A series of commemorative events highlight the prominent place that the Moon administration has been giving to Southeast Asia within its foreign policy.

South Korea-ASEAN Summitry Will Spotlight Moon’s New Southern Policy

A photo from a previous ASEAN-ROK summit meeting.

Credit: South Korea Office of the President

Next week, South Korea will hold a series of high-profile events in its relations with Southeast Asia. The events will mark a huge week for both South Korea’s ties with Southeast Asia and South Korean President Moon Jae-in’s outreach to middle powers in the Asia-Pacific with his New Southern Policy.

As I have noted before in these pages, while South Korea’s interest in Southeast Asia and ASEAN is far from new – Seoul has long been a leading economic partner and a recognized Asian middle power – one of Moon’s expressed priorities since coming to office was to increase South Korea’s focus on Southeast Asia and ASEAN still further, partly under the broader banner of the so-called New Southern Policy. And while it is still early days in this initiative, we have seen some efforts to translate this into reality, be it the upgrading of ties with countries such as Indonesia, the elevated focus on the Mekong subregion, or the setting up of an ASEAN Culture House to spotlight the wide range of links between the two sides. Moon himself has been personally invested in this, as evidenced by his visiting all 10 ASEAN countries since he took office.

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