China's J-20 Stealth Fighter Today and Into the 2020s
By Rick Joe
What's the current status of the J-20 and what may lie in the stealth fighter’s future going into the 2020s?
Understanding Civil-Military Relations and Anti-Submarine Warfare
By Robert Farley
Civil-military relations may explain the Chinese navy’s approach to anti-submarine warfare.
Myanmar Ethnic Rebel Alliance Stages Coordinated Attacks
By Pyae Sone Win
The Northern Alliance coordinated attacks in 5 separate locations in the Mandalay region and Northern Shan state.
Hong Kong: The Orchid and the Great Stone Wall
By Ben Lowsen
The more tightly Beijing grasps Hong Kong, the more its control slips.
Asia Slowdown: Are the Good Times Gone for Good?
By Anthony Fensom
Emerging Asia has seen remarkably stable growth since the global financial crisis. Is that trend now coming to an end?
What the Bifurcation of Jammu & Kashmir Tells Us About India’s China Strategy
By Samanvya Hooda
The Modi government has displayed a willingness to break from long-accepted norms in dealing with complex strategic issues.
What Puts the K in K-pop?
By Jenna Gibson
Non-Korean singers raise questions about race and identity in Korean pop music.
Sri Lankans Up in Arms Over US Military Pacts
By Sudha Ramachandran
A proposed Status of Forces Agreement with the US is stirring up political controversy in Sri Lanka.
Why Are Street Protests So Common in South Korea?
By Drananda Rohimone and Grant Wyeth
South Korea’s culture of protest is a reflection of an engaged public.
Decoding Australia’s Strange Silence Over China’s Transgressions in the South China Sea
By Tuan Anh Luc
What will it take for Canberra to pipe up?
China Has Limited Options in Hong Kong
By Abbas Faiz
And Hong Kong’s Chief Executive Carrie Lam has even fewer.
Will Beijing Use Force to End the Hong Kong Protests?
By Shannon Tiezzi
Sending in the troops is not unthinkable, but China's government has many other options at its disposal.