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August 2019: What I Saw in Kashmir

August 2019: What I Saw in Kashmir

By Tapasya
Kashmir cries out in anger and anguish as India’s crackdown remains in place.
Fully Invested: India Remains the China-led AIIB’s Biggest Borrower

Fully Invested: India Remains the China-led AIIB’s Biggest Borrower

By Krzysztof Iwanek
The case of AIIB shows that India wants to keep its economic engagement with China separate from their political tussles.

Toward a US-India Reset: Pivoting Trade and Strategy Together

Toward a US-India Reset: Pivoting Trade and Strategy Together

By Hemal Shah
India must work to convert its trade challenges into opportunities.

A Return to Normal for Beijing and Pyongyang?

A Return to Normal for Beijing and Pyongyang?

By Eleanor Albert
The chill between the two countries began to dissipate in early 2018 and ties have continued to warm.

Is Southeast Asia Winning the US-China Trade War? Not So Fast

Is Southeast Asia Winning the US-China Trade War? Not So Fast

By Alec Lei
If the U.S.-China trade war continues or worsens ASEAN countries will also experience a bumpy ride.
For Peace in Afghanistan, the Economy Is Key

For Peace in Afghanistan, the Economy Is Key

By Gul Maqsood Sabit
Before and after any peace agreement, a healthy Afghan economy is essential.

Two Wheels Good: Motorbike Diplomacy in Southeast Asia

Two Wheels Good: Motorbike Diplomacy in Southeast Asia

By Preeti Jha
A recent heated debate is just the latest incident in the motorbike taxi scene in Southeast Asia.
Duterte’s Fifth China Visit: Heavy on Promise, Light on Results

Duterte’s Fifth China Visit: Heavy on Promise, Light on Results

By Erin Cook
Duterte’s latest trip to China did little to ease concerns about his approach to Beijing.

Uzbekistan’s Impending Water Crisis

Uzbekistan’s Impending Water Crisis

By Aziz Egamov
Relations are good between Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, but a grave water crisis still looms.

Building an Inclusive United Nations with Taiwan on Board

Building an Inclusive United Nations with Taiwan on Board

By Jaushieh Joseph Wu
The principles of inclusiveness and leaving no one behind are key to realizing the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Checking in on China's Nuclear Icebreaker

Checking in on China's Nuclear Icebreaker

By Trym Aleksander Eiterjord
Speculation has trailed the news that China’s first nuclear-powered icebreaker ship was in the works.
Making Sense of Japan’s Approach to Russia

Making Sense of Japan’s Approach to Russia

By Michito Tsuruoka
A diplomatic breakthrough is unlikely, but there is value in talking.

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