
March 2020

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Delayed Chuuk Secession Vote a Win for US Policy in Oceania

Delayed Chuuk Secession Vote a Win for US Policy in Oceania

By Derek Grossman
Chuuk’s decision to delay a secession vote is a significant victory for America’s diplomatic, economic, and security competition with China in the Pacific Islands.
South Korea Grapples With Mask Shortage Amid COVID-19 Outbreak

South Korea Grapples With Mask Shortage Amid COVID-19 Outbreak

By Tae-jun Kang
The government is taking steps to further control the supply and distribution of masks, but is it too little, too late?

Huawei Doubles Down on Europe With New Factory

Huawei Doubles Down on Europe With New Factory

By Eleanor Albert
The France-based plant will be the company's first manufacturing plant outside of China.

Malaysia: Anti-Corruption Chief Quits After Pakatan Harapan’s Fall

Malaysia: Anti-Corruption Chief Quits After Pakatan Harapan’s Fall

By Associated Press
She is the second top official to quit following the breakup of the reformist ruling alliance.

US Charges 2 Chinese Nationals Over Alleged Cryptocurrency Laundering for North Korea

US Charges 2 Chinese Nationals Over Alleged Cryptocurrency Laundering for North Korea

By Ankit Panda
The two Chinese nationals face money laundering charges.
Critics of India’s Modi Government Face Sedition Charges

Critics of India’s Modi Government Face Sedition Charges

By Associated Press
Freedom of political expression remains under siege in Modi’s India.

A Cold War Movie’s (Wrong) Lessons About US-China Competition

A Cold War Movie’s (Wrong) Lessons About US-China Competition

By Steven Stashwick
The Hunt for Red October's strategic errors are mirrored in U.S. assumptions about China.
Can Brazil and South Korea Become Major Warplane Exporters?

Can Brazil and South Korea Become Major Warplane Exporters?

By Robert Farley
Both Seoul and Brasilia faced different challenges and opportunities.

What Has Pakistan Gained From the US-Taliban Peace Deal?

What Has Pakistan Gained From the US-Taliban Peace Deal?

By Umair Jamal
Does Islamabad win from the conclusion of a deal between the United States and the Taliban?

The US-Taliban Deal Ignores Human Rights and Women

The US-Taliban Deal Ignores Human Rights and Women

By Farahnaz Ispahani
The Trump administration's deal with the Taliban ignores human rights concerns.

Cobra Gold 2020: America’s Strategic Shift in Southeast Asia

Cobra Gold 2020: America’s Strategic Shift in Southeast Asia

By Zachary Williams
The debut of the F-35B at this year’s edition of the annual drill signals a shift in U.S. military presence in the region.
What Their Ever-Changing ‘Consultations’ Tell Us About China-Russia Relations

What Their Ever-Changing ‘Consultations’ Tell Us About China-Russia Relations

By Sunjae Kim and Taeho Kim
The vice-ministerial talks touch on THAAD, the Korean Peninsula, and (implicitly) soft balancing.

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