March 2020
China’s Proposed Immigration Changes Spark Xenophobic Backlash Online
By Chauncey Jung
Beijing is facing the consequences of its own nationalist propaganda strategy.
Trump and Modi Embrace, But Remain Digitally Divided
By Justin Sherman and Arindrajit Basu
Continued contention over Huawei and 5G highlights structural gaps between India and the United States in the digital sphere.
What Do Afghans Want? Peace, But Not ‘at Any Cost’
By Karl F. Inderfurth
Afghans have been cautiously hopeful about the peace process, but they are not willing to agree to a peace “at any cost.”
International Criminal Court Approves Afghanistan Investigation
By Associated Press
The investigation targets the Taliban, Afghan, and U.S. forces for war crimes.
The Latest Weapon Against Assam’s Muslims: Forced Evictions
By Angshuman Choudhury and Suraj Gogoi
A new land rights regime in Northeast India’s Assam threatens the existence of ethno-religious minorities.
Is Vietnam Sending Its Maritime Militia to China’s Coast?
By Yan Yan
In recent weeks, hundreds of Vietnamese fishing boats have gathered near China’s Hainan province, site of a sensitive military base.
China’s Schools, Forced Online By Coronavirus, Run Into Censors
By Associated Press
With schools closed indefinitely, teachers are giving lectures online – where they risk abrupt and often unexplained censorship.
Former Kyrgyz Lawmaker Detained After Rally in Bishkek Goes Awry
By Catherine Putz
A former Kyrgyz lawmaker has been detained after a rally in support of a different jailed former parliamentarian went awry this past weekend.
What’s Next for Indonesia’s Artificial Intelligence Strategy Plans?
By Prashanth Parameswaran
A closer look at the status of Indonesia’s upcoming artificial intelligence national strategy.
Enduring Peace Requires Reforms to Afghan Governance
By Ian J.Lynch
Afghanistan needs both a central government with a monopoly over the use of force and reforms which factor in the self-governance capabilities already found at the local level.
Japan’s Space Dream? Cleaning Up the Mess.
By Thisanka Siripala
Japan aims to pioneer the niche market of clearing out space debris.
US Strikes Taliban Forces Days After ‘Historic’ Deal
By Catherine Putz
The deal promises intra-Afghan talks to start March 10 and the release of Taliban prisoners; Kabul has rejected the latter and is scrambling to build a team for the former.