
September 2022

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Philippines Readies Crackdown on Chinese Online Gambling Operations

Philippines Readies Crackdown on Chinese Online Gambling Operations

By Sebastian Strangio
An official said that the crackdown was prompted by "reports of murder, kidnapping and other crimes committed by Chinese nationals against fellow Chinese nationals."
Why Should ASEAN or Anyone Else Negotiate with the Tatmadaw?

Why Should ASEAN or Anyone Else Negotiate with the Tatmadaw?

By Luke Hunt
There is a growing consensus that the world should engage directly with the opposition National Unity Government.

Pakistan’s Vicious IMF Cycle

Pakistan’s Vicious IMF Cycle

By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
Governments come and go, but Pakistan's economic woes – and its love/hate relationship with the IMF – remain constant.

New Zealand’s Ardern Continues Tilt Toward the West at the UN

New Zealand’s Ardern Continues Tilt Toward the West at the UN

By Geoffrey Miller
The Russia-Ukraine War was a major dividing line at the U.N. General Assembly, and Ardern largely spoke with those of a similar mindset.

Abe’s Militaristic Funeral Captures Japan’s Internal Divisions

Abe’s Militaristic Funeral Captures Japan’s Internal Divisions

By Foster Klug
20,000 police officers and more than 1,000 soldiers were on patrol as thousands of protesters took to the streets.
The Real Lesson From India’s Farm Laws Debacle

The Real Lesson From India’s Farm Laws Debacle

By Aditya Srinivasan
Government officials must bring interpretivism to policymaking: qualitative research methods that take into accounts the perspectives and preferences of the governed.

ADB to Devote $14 Billion to Help Ease Food Crisis in Asia-Pacific

ADB to Devote $14 Billion to Help Ease Food Crisis in Asia-Pacific

By Associated Press
The Asian Development Bank’s plan calls for improving long-term food security by strengthening farming and food supplies to cope with climate change and loss of biodiversity.
Anirudh Kanisetti on Why Understanding Medieval Deccan Is Necessary to Comprehend Modern India

Anirudh Kanisetti on Why Understanding Medieval Deccan Is Necessary to Comprehend Modern India

By Sudha Ramachandran
“Medieval Indian kings understood the benefits of what we would call openness and tolerance.”

Kazakh President Urges Calm and Care for Russians Fleeing Mobilization

Kazakh President Urges Calm and Care for Russians Fleeing Mobilization

By Catherine Putz
“We must take care of them and ensure their safety. This is a political and humanitarian issue,” Kazakh President Tokayev said of the influx of Russians.

What’s Next for the India-France-UAE Trilateral?

What’s Next for the India-France-UAE Trilateral?

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
India, France and the UAE, which share strategic interests in the Indo-Pacific, met for a ministerial meeting on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly last week.

SAARC Is Dead. Long Live Subregional Cooperation

SAARC Is Dead. Long Live Subregional Cooperation

By Santosh Sharma Poudel
India-Pakistan rivalry and India’s isolation of Pakistan contributed to the death of the South Asian regional organization. But India is keen on working with its other neighbors.
The ‘New Normal’ in PLA Incursions Into Taiwan’s ADIZ

The ‘New Normal’ in PLA Incursions Into Taiwan’s ADIZ

By Adrian Ang U-Jin and Olli Pekka Suorsa
Since the Pelosi visit, China’s military has made record incursions past the median line in the Taiwan Strait.

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