
North Korea Launches Ballistic Missile Toward South Korean Island
By Mitch Shin
Following up on a statement from its military official, North Korea launched at least more than 25 missiles and 100 artillery shells in a day.

Climate Migration: Nomads Move to Towns in Warming Ladakh
By Aijaz Hussain
Shifting weather patterns have already altered people's lives through floods, landslides and droughts in this inhospitable but beautiful mountain region.

Prominent Papuan Independence Activist Reported Dead After Drowning
By Sebastian Strangio
A longtime proponent of non-violence, Filep Karma spent years calling for "a dignified dialogue with the Indonesian government."

Why Is Philippine President Marcos Not Appointing a Health Secretary?
By Mong Palatino
So far, the reasons that the new leader has offered have been vague and at times incoherent.

Are Laos’ New Railways a Solution to its Lack of Trade with the West?
By David Hutt
Transport costs are not the only problem facing the country, but reducing them could help spur progress in other areas.

Thailand’s Troubling History With the Uyghurs
By Mark S. Cogan
Out of fear of destabilizing its relations with Beijing, the Thai government has failed to protect Uyghur civilians who have sought political asylum in the country.

Can the EU and Indonesia Sign Their Elusive Free Trade Agreement?
By William Yuen Yee
There is a tension between Brussels' environmental concerns and its desire to boost its commercial engagement with the Asia-Pacific.

Myanmar Junta Revokes License for Leading Exile Media Outlet
By Sebastian Strangio
The coup government's Ministry of Information said that The Irrawaddy has endangered "state security, rule of law, and public tranquility."

Belt and Road Buddhism in Sri Lanka?
By Tabita Rosendal
China is using Buddhist narratives to promote its soft power in Sri Lanka – and bolster its image as a harmonious regional power.

Germany Eyes Green Hydrogen Potential in Kazakhstan
By Catherine Putz
And in Uzbekistan, Berlin sees a rising regional power.

South Korean Officials Admit Responsibility in Halloween Tragedy
By Hyung-Jin Kim
National police chief Yoon Hee Keun said there were many urgent calls from citizens notifying authorities about the potential danger of the crowd gathering in Itaewon.

Russia Recruiting US-trained Afghan Commandos, Vets Say
By Bernard Condon
"We didn't get these individuals out as we promised, and now it's coming home to roost," said Michael Mulroy, a retired CIA officer who served in Afghanistan.