
No, Uzbekistan Isn’t Assembling Iranian Drones for Russia
By Catherine Putz
There’s no evidence that Uzbekistan is assembling Iranian drones for Russia to use in Ukraine, but Tashkent’s firm retort to the suggestion underscores its difficult geopolitical position.

China Accused of Using Overseas Bases to Target Dissidents
By Associated Press
Recent reports have shed light on China’s “overseas police stations” – many of which operate unbeknownst to the host nation’s government.

How China Boosts Iran’s Digital Crackdown
By Nima Khorrami
Amid ongoing protests, Iran is looking to accelerate its adoption of China’s AI surveillance and internet censorship methods.

The Challenges and Limitations in India-Iran Relations
By Nadeem Ahmed Moonakal
Recent U.S. sanctions on an Indian company over dealings with Iran drive home New Delhi’s difficult position.

ASEAN Foreign Ministers Urge More Progress in Myanmar Crisis
By Niniek Karmini and Grant Peck
The ministers admitted their efforts haven’t achieved significant progress and called to strengthen the implementation of a five-point consensus.

China’s 20th Party Congress Escalates Cross-Strait Tensions
By Mariah Thornton
A new amendment to the CCP constitution demonstrates a significant escalation in the party’s approach to Taiwan.

Kazakhstan’s Former Health Minister Accuses ‘Medical Mafia’ of Meddling
By Paolo Sorbello
The trial of the former health minister could shed light on the direction of “New Kazakhstan.”

India Boosts Its Border Infrastructure in Arunachal Pradesh
By Rajeev Bhattacharyya
Roads and bridges as well as "vibrant villages" are being constructed and upgraded to improve overland connectivity to the border with China.

Why ASEAN Must Strengthen Its Institutions and Networks
By Teh Lip Li
The Southeast Asian bloc still lacks the intellectual resources necessary to meet the region's growing social and strategic challenges.

Philippine Lawmaker Proposes Bill Prohibiting Foreign Ships’ Incursions
By Sebastian Strangio
The Philippine Archipelagic Sea Lanes Act is seeking to respond to a pattern of repeated Chinese incursions into Manila's EEZ.

Indonesia’s Police On Trial
By Aisyah Llewellyn
After a series of high-profile scandals, public trust in the country's police force has dropped to an all-time low.

Why LGBT Rights Trump Environmentalism in Vietnam
By Mai Truong
The Vietnamese Communist Party's relatively progressive stance on LGBT issues contrasts with its fierce crackdown on independent environmental activism.