
UK Court to Hear Uyghur Demands to Ban Xinjiang Cotton
By Associated Press
Lawyers representing the Uyghurs will argue that the British government's inaction breaches existing U.K. laws prohibiting goods made in foreign prisons or linked to crime.

What Institutional Norms Are Left After the 20th Party Congress?
By Jonathan Brookfield
The Politburo Standing Committee line-up brought a number of surprises, but Xi still seems to have operated within a broad institutional framework.

The Future of American Power in Uncertain Times
By Monish Tourangbam
The deployment of U.S. power is indeed passing through a phase when it can no longer ignore the tectonic forces of a changing balance of power in the world.

New Military Doctrine Strengthens Kazakhstan’s Multi-vector Posture
By Gregory Gleason
The new version of Kazakhstan’s military doctrine signals that Astana intends to hold fast to the principles of national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Coalitions in the Fray in Nepal’s Elections Are Marriages of Convenience
By Santosh Sharma Poudel
Parties share neither ideology nor policy goals with partners; alliances are merely partnerships to win more seats.

What Took Place at the First ASEAN CBR Security Conference?
By Prashanth Parameswaran
The first ADMM-Plus CBR conference of its kind spotlighted the challenges involved in managing chemical, biological and radiological threats.

How American Firms Give the US an Edge Over China in Southeast Asia
By Phuong Pham
Beijing is an economic power in most of the region, but it can't compete with the long-established U.S. business presence.

Airstrikes on Concert in Northern Myanmar Kill 80, Reports Say
By Sebastian Strangio
The terrifying attack in Kachin State came as a group of local civil society groups called on ASEAN to junk the bloc’s “ineffectual” five-point peace plan.

The International Community is Overcomplicating the Myanmar Crisis
By David Hutt
Complexity is being used to obscure the simple choice that faces the world: support the junta, or support those seeking its overthrow.

China and US Vaccine Diplomacy in the Middle East and North Africa
By Passant Mamdouh Ridwan
Beijing had the edge in the early stages of the pandemic, but the preference for mRNA vaccines amid the Omicron variant has helped boost U.S. vaccine diplomacy.

It’s Xi’s China: Takeaways From the Chinese Communist Party’s 20th Party Congress
By Ankit Panda and Catherine Putz
Xi Jinping has consolidated power and a third term as China’s leader. What are the ramifications?

Assessing China’s Defense Industrial Base
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Cortney Weinbaum.