
February 2023

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Thai Activists Push Opposition Party on Royal Defamation Law

Thai Activists Push Opposition Party on Royal Defamation Law

By Sebastian Strangio
Activists from the monarchy reform group Thalu Wang have asked the Pheu Thai Party to abolish Section 112 if it wins this year's election.
Malaysian Anti-Graft Authorities Freeze Opposition Party Accounts

Malaysian Anti-Graft Authorities Freeze Opposition Party Accounts

By Sebastian Strangio
The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission is investigating $70.7 million that was found in the accounts of the political party Bersatu.

The Long Political Afterlife of Megawati Sukarnoputri

The Long Political Afterlife of Megawati Sukarnoputri

By Johannes Nugroho
After battling years of political and sexist attacks, the 75-year-old is hoping to have a decisive impact at Indonesia's upcoming general election.

China and Ethiopia: The Addis Light Train Stuck in Slow Motion

China and Ethiopia: The Addis Light Train Stuck in Slow Motion

By Istvan Tarrosy and Zoltan Voros
Sub-Saharan Africa’s first inner-city tram project was hailed as historic in 2015. Seven years later, it faces more problems than ever. 

Should India Allow the Taliban Regime to Station Its Envoy in Delhi?

Should India Allow the Taliban Regime to Station Its Envoy in Delhi?

By Sudha Ramachandran
Allowing the Taliban to send an ambassador would amount to according to a terrorist organization a measure of recognition.
North Korean Defectors in China Can’t Get COVID-19 Vaccines, Treatments

North Korean Defectors in China Can’t Get COVID-19 Vaccines, Treatments

By Lee Chae Un
As China’s COVID-19 case counts soar, “North Korean defectors in China can’t receive treatment even if they are infected,” one source said.

Europe’s Misgivings About Sanctions Don’t Bode Well for US Export Controls

Europe’s Misgivings About Sanctions Don’t Bode Well for US Export Controls

By Michael Laha
Agathe Demarais’ new book “Backfire: How Sanctions Reshape the World Against U.S. Interests” has important insights for the future of U.S. China policy.
Does Anyone Want to Solve the Rohingya Crisis?

Does Anyone Want to Solve the Rohingya Crisis?

By Anu Anwar
The long-simmering refugee crisis between Bangladesh and Myanmar is threatening to boil over into a conflict. But it seems none of the regional powers are paying attention.

The Problem With European Militaries’ Indo-Pacific Push

The Problem With European Militaries’ Indo-Pacific Push

By Rupert Schulenburg
The best way Europe can support the U.S. Indo-Pacific strategy is by shoring up European security – and freeing the U.S. to focus on providing security in the Indo-Pacific.

Militant Who Killed 101 at Pakistan Mosque Wore Uniform

Militant Who Killed 101 at Pakistan Mosque Wore Uniform

By Riaz Khan
Footage released by police shows the suspected bomber disguised as a policeman walking toward the compound with a motorcycle.

Is China a ‘Paper Tiger’?

Is China a ‘Paper Tiger’?

By Karman Lucero
Xi Jinping’s focus on ideological struggle will not help overcome the long-term problems that constrain China’s potential.
A Gender Perspective on HIV Prevalence in Uzbekistan

A Gender Perspective on HIV Prevalence in Uzbekistan

By Niginakhon Saida and Sara Scardavilli
Gender inequality and stereotypes, especially in health, education, and command over economic resources, make women more vulnerable to HIV and to other related conditions.

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