The Pulse

Pakistan’s Power Crisis: A Perfect Storm of Policy Failures

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Pakistan’s Power Crisis: A Perfect Storm of Policy Failures

Pakistan’s soaring electricity prices are the culmination of three decades of ill-conceived policies, corruption, and a lack of long-term planning.

Pakistan’s Power Crisis: A Perfect Storm of Policy Failures
Credit: Depositphotos

Pakistan’s power sector is mired in a complex web of challenges, characterized by chronic underinvestment, inefficient power generation, and a dysfunctional distribution network. The sector’s history is marked by ill-conceived policies, corruption, and a lack of long-term planning. These factors have culminated in a crisis that has far-reaching implications for the economy, society, and environment.

The government’s attempts to address the crisis through a mix of policies, including increased power generation and subsidy-driven solar adoption, have yielded mixed results. While these measures have provided some relief, they have also exacerbated underlying issues such as circular debt and inefficiencies. The burden of these challenges has disproportionately fallen on consumers, with rising electricity costs eroding purchasing power and fueling social discontent.

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