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Brian Hioe

Brian Hioe

Brian Hioe is one of the founding editors of New Bloom, as well as a freelance journalist and translator.

Brian Hioe is one of the founding editors of New Bloom, an online magazine covering politics and youth culture in Taiwan founded in 2014. He is a freelance journalist, as well as a translator. From 2017 to 2018, he was Democracy and Human Rights Service Fellow at the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy.

Posts by Brian Hioe
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January 10, 2022

KMT Served Double Defeat in Taiwan’s Latest Recall and By-Election

By Brian Hioe
A recall against independent Freddy Lim fell short, and the KMT's candidate lost a by-election to fill another seat vacated by a previous recall campaign.
December 20, 2021

DPP Sweeps Taiwan’s Latest Referendum Vote

By Brian Hioe
The ruling party's preferred position won out in all four questions, including a proposal on reinstating a ban on U.S. pork imports.

December 02, 2021

Domestic Abuse Incident Highlights Taiwan’s Struggles With Misogyny

By Brian Hioe
High-profile politician Kao Chia-yu revealed she had been assaulted by her boyfriend, sparking sympathy from some and cynical political attacks from others.

November 18, 2021

US Lawmakers Visit Taiwan Amid Flurry of Diplomatic Activity

By Brian Hioe
The trip came amid a busy diplomatic stretch, including Taiwan-Europe exchanges as well as the Biden-Xi phone call.

November 03, 2021

The Politics of Taiwan’s Environmental Policy

By Brian Hioe
Environmental issues have primarily been caught in the contest between the pan-Blue and pan-Green camps, as is the case with many political issues in Taiwan.
October 25, 2021

Chen Po-wei Is the Latest Victim of Taiwan’s ‘Recall Revenge’

By Brian Hioe
Another progressive young politician was recalled, part of a broader wave of recalls backed by the opposition KMT.

October 06, 2021

What Do Taiwanese Think of China’s Record-Setting Incursions Into Taiwan’s ADIZ?

By Brian Hioe
Chinese military aircraft have broken consecutive records in the past week. What message is Beijing trying to send, and is it being received as intended?
September 27, 2021

Where Does the KMT Go From Here?

By Brian Hioe
The results of the chair election set the future trajectory for the party – and for Taiwan’s democracy.

September 27, 2021

Eric Chu Wins KMT Chair Election

By Brian Hioe
KMT stalwart Chu won handily in the end, but the challenge posed by deep-Blue candidate Chang Ya-chung is notable.

September 21, 2021

Taiwanese Presidents Will Not and Can Not Unilaterally Change Taiwan’s Status

By Brian Hioe and Lev Nachman
A single leader cannot make Taiwan independent or unify it with the People Republic of China. Even trying either course would be political suicide.

September 10, 2021

The Politics of Taiwan’s COVID-19 Response

By Brian Hioe
Taiwan's first real COVID-19 outbreak engendered fierce political debates between the DPP and the KMT.
August 25, 2021

Afghanistan’s Collapse: The View From Taiwan

By Brian Hioe
How are Taiwan’s various political players interpreting the U.S. withdrawal, and the subsequent fall of Kabul?

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