The Diplomat | Author

David Volodzko
David Volodzko is the national editor for The Korea JoongAng Daily, the sister paper of The International New York Times in South Korea.
David Volodzko is the national and sports editor for the Korea JoongAng Daily, the sister paper of The New York Times in South Korea. He has appeared on Huffington Post Live, discussing China’s illegal logging industry, and his writing has been published with The Wall Street Journal, Vice, South China Morning Post, GlobalPost, The Jamestown Foundation, openDemocracy and The Washington Monthly, among others. He is a former university lecturer at Soongshil University, Seo Kyeong University, and Cheongju National University of Education. He tweets @DavidVolodzko and is the author of the blog Mogu Gallery.

July 08, 2016
Why Brexit Makes China Stronger
By David Volodzko

June 27, 2016
China, the US, and Extrajudicial Abductions
By David Volodzko

June 15, 2016
Racism With Chinese Characteristics: The Laundry Detergent Ad and Han Privilege
By David Volodzko

June 09, 2016
China in Africa, Part III: The Ugly
By David Volodzko

June 03, 2016
China in Africa, Part II: The Bad
By David Volodzko

June 01, 2016
China in Africa, Part I: The Good
By David Volodzko

May 18, 2016
Hollywood's Latest Superhero: 'Captain China'
By David Volodzko

May 06, 2016
Does China Hate the West?
By David Volodzko

April 27, 2016
China's Strange Relationship With the Mango
By David Volodzko

April 18, 2016
Are Gay Rights Really Making Progress in China?
By David Volodzko

April 12, 2016
China's Medical Diplomacy
By David Volodzko