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Elizabeth Roche

Elizabeth Roche

Elizabeth Roche is Associate Professor at the Jindal School of International Affairs, OP Jindal Global University, Haryana, India.

Elizabeth Roche joined the Jindal School of International Affairs (O.P. Jindal Global University) as Associate Professor after working as a journalist for almost three decades.  She has worked as Special Correspondent and Editor-Foreign Affairs across media platforms—television, print, radio and multi-media—in a number of Indian and foreign media organizations, including Reuters TV and Agence France Presse (AFP). As AFP’s South Asia Special Correspondent, she reported extensively on the Sri Lankan civil war besides contributing articles on India’s ties with its neighbors and the world. At Mint, the financial paper of Hindustan Times Media Limited, she helmed coverage of Indian foreign and defense policy for more than a decade as Editor—Foreign Affairs. Roche’s work has been widely cited by scholars in books and research articles produced by think tanks across the world. After switching to academics, she follows developments in the Indo-Pacific region with a keen eye.

Follow her on X @ElizaR24


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