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Franz-Stefan Gady

Franz-Stefan Gady

Franz-Stefan Gady is a Research Fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) focused on future conflict and the future of war. Follow him on Twitter.

Franz-Stefan Gady is a Fellow with the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London and a columnist for The Diplomat. He is the author of a number of monographs and book chapters on Asian and European security issues.

Franz-Stefan was a Senior Editor with The Diplomat. He has also reported from a wide range of countries and conflict zones including Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan. His writing and photos have appeared in The International New York Times, BBC News, Foreign Affairs Magazine, Foreign Policy, The Christian Science Monitor, and Slate among other publications.

His analysis has been featured in The Financial Times and The Wallstreet Journal, and on Al Jazeera and PBSamong others.

Follow him on Twitter.

Posts by Franz-Stefan Gady
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January 28, 2015

Australia on the Cyber Offensive

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Australia has been using hacker units to go on the offensive. But is its cyber policy up to snuff?
January 27, 2015

New Snowden Documents Reveal Chinese Behind F-35 Hack

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Experts have long argued that China has copied the F-35 design for its own fighter jets. Is this the proof?

January 27, 2015

Why the US Should Encourage Closer Sino-Indian Ties

By Franz-Stefan Gady
A "deadlocked alliance" between Beijing and New Delhi may be good news for the United States.

January 24, 2015

Is Germany Still in the Race for Australia’s Biggest Arms Deal of the Century?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Angela Merkel is aggressively pushing for Germany to win a contract to build 12 submarines.

January 24, 2015

Outgoing US Defense Secretary Hagel Warns of Limits of Military Power

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Hagel's departing shots should be seen as an incentive for self-reflection in the White House.
January 23, 2015

'American Sniper' and What it Says About Civil-Military Relations in the US

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Is there a problem with the way the media portrays American soldiers?

January 23, 2015

Despite IS Hostage Crisis, PM Abe Brings Japan Closer to Israel

By Franz-Stefan Gady
By forging closer ties with Israel, Shinzo Abe is trying to make Japan geopolitically more relevant.
January 22, 2015

Why We Should Study China's Machiavelli

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The similarities and differences between Niccolo Machiavelli and Han Feizi are illuminating.

January 22, 2015

China and Internet Sovereignty Revisited

By Franz-Stefan Gady
How can China more effectively cooperate on cybersecurity issues with the rest of the world?

January 22, 2015

The Pentagon Just Dropped the Air Sea Battle Name

By Franz-Stefan Gady
However, the U.S. Defense Department will continue to pursue counter-A2/AD strategies.

January 21, 2015

Russia and Iran Sign Military Cooperation Agreement

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Should NATO-Russia relations deteriorate further, Moscow will make an even stronger effort to improve ties with Tehran.
January 21, 2015

China’s Naval Diplomacy: PLAN Ships Visit German Port of Hamburg

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Naval support for Chinese diplomacy is an increasingly important function of the PLAN.

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