May 19, 2021 How the COVID-19 Pandemic Loosened Australia’s Federation By Grant Wyeth The premiers of New South Wales and Victoria could once again become Australia’s most powerful political actors.
May 07, 2021 Under Pressure, Australia Reverses Ban on Returns from India By Grant Wyeth Although the ban is set to be lifted on May 15, flying home for Australians in India will still be a difficult, and expensive, prospect.
April 19, 2021 Examining Australia’s National Action Plan on Women, Peace, and Security By Grant Wyeth Women and girls often suffer the effects of conflict disproportionately to men.
April 16, 2021 The Nordic Paradox in Australia: Women’s Advancement and Male Resentment By Grant Wyeth Male resentment and status anxiety are globally destabilizing forces.
April 06, 2021 Why Australia Needs to Prioritize Women By Grant Wyeth If we understand the state as a self-interested entity, then it is puzzling that it would not seek to neutralize issues that adversely affect half its population.
March 30, 2021 US Opens Initiative to Focus on ‘Small and Less Populous Island Economies’ By Grant Wyeth In addition to the Pacific Island states, the SALPIE initiative covers island nations in the Caribbean and North Atlantic, which share climate change and COVID-19 concerns.
March 16, 2021 Australia’s Women Take to the Streets in Protest By Grant Wyeth Sparked by a recent wave of sexual assault allegations in parliament, the protests tap into a wider push for justice and respect.
March 10, 2021 Has the Long Arm of the BJP’s Identity Politics Reached Australia? By Grant Wyeth A group of Sikh men were attacked in a Sydney suburb by other Indian Australians. Police believe the attack is linked to the Sikh-led farmers' protests in India.
February 26, 2021 It’s Time for Australia to Reckon With the Reality of Sexual Violence By Grant Wyeth A drastic cultural shift is required not only within the parliament, but throughout the entire country.
February 18, 2021 Should Australia Also Designate the Proud Boys a Terrorist Organization? By Grant Wyeth There has always been a considerable overlap between white supremacy and male supremacy, and male supremacy is a national security threat.
February 08, 2021 A Tiff at PIF? Pacific Islands Forum Leadership Change Triggers Frustration By Grant Wyeth Within the PIF, leadership has typically rotated between Polynesian, Melanesian, and Micronesian states. Until now, it seems.
January 27, 2021 Musingku: Bougainville’s ‘Royal’ Pyramid Scheme Problem By Grant Wyeth A self-declared king presents a unique problem for the Autonomous Bougainville Government as it moves toward independence.