The Diplomat | Author

Harry Kazianis
Harry J. Kazianis serves as Managing Editor for The National Interest.
He also holds a non-resident senior fellowship at the China Policy Institute: University of Nottingham and a non-resident fellowship at CSIS:PACNET in Hawaii. Previously he was Editor of The Diplomat.

July 01, 2014
China’s 10 Red Lines in the South China Sea
By Harry Kazianis
With the publication of its latest map, China has declared “mapware” in the Western Pacific.

June 20, 2014
China’s Oversized Aircraft Carrier Ambitions
By Harry Kazianis
Reports suggest China will have an indigenous carrier battle group within three years. Don't bet on it.

June 13, 2014
China and Japan’s Game of Chicken in the East China Sea
By Harry Kazianis
Close calls between Chinese and Japanese aircraft could eventually turn deadly.

May 06, 2014
China’s Underwater A2/AD Strategy
By Harry Kazianis
New research suggests China is deploying a fixed ocean-floor acoustic arrays system for anti-submarine warfare.

April 22, 2014
2 Ways Obama Can Strengthen the Pivot
By Harry Kazianis
During Obama’s “great reassurance tour” in Asia this week, he should focus on the TPP and the status-quo.

April 08, 2014
China Attempts Military Transparency… And Fails
By Harry Kazianis
If the PLA wants to be transparent, giving Chuck Hagel a tour of its symbolic aircraft carrier won't cut it.

March 12, 2014
5 Ways Russia’s Ukraine ‘Boomerang’ Could Strike Asia
By Harry Kazianis
Putin has warned that U.S. action over Ukraine would have a boomerang effect. Will the target be Asia?

March 04, 2014
From Ukraine With Love: 4 Lessons for Geopolitics
By Harry Kazianis
Here are four lessons Asia watchers should learn from the events unfolding in the Ukraine.

March 04, 2014
Unmanned Combat Aircraft System: Will It Ever Materialize?
By Harry Kazianis
An unmanned combat aircraft system would enhance America’s Pacific posture. Still, we’re unlikely to ever see it.

February 17, 2014
America and China’s Perception Problems
By Harry Kazianis
Around the world China is increasingly seen as the bully while the U.S. seems more and more irresolute.

January 31, 2014
Imagining China’s Military in 2020
By Harry Kazianis
Recent testimony forecasts what the People’s Liberation Army could look like in 2020.

January 28, 2014
Why to Ignore China’s Aircraft Carriers
By Harry Kazianis
A lot of Chinese hardware could challenge US primacy in the Pacific. Carriers are not among them.
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