The Diplomat | Author

Harry Kazianis
Harry J. Kazianis serves as Managing Editor for The National Interest.
He also holds a non-resident senior fellowship at the China Policy Institute: University of Nottingham and a non-resident fellowship at CSIS:PACNET in Hawaii. Previously he was Editor of The Diplomat.

October 23, 2013
Lifting the Veil on China’s “Carrier-Killer”
A new report traces the DF-21D’s origins, developments and possible uses in combat conditions.

October 16, 2013
America’s Greatest Challenge: Itself
In many ways, America is primed for continued success. Unfortunately, Washington is its kryptonite.

October 09, 2013
Would China Strike the US Preemptively?
A lot has been made of China’s history of preemptive self-defense. But what would lead Beijing to attack the US?

October 01, 2013
How China Would Fight the US (And Win)
China’s military may be 30 years behind America’s, but it doesn’t need to equal the U.S. to defeat it.

September 23, 2013
Putting Iran’s "Op-Ed Diplomacy" to the Test
Iran’s recent charm offensive is likely a ruse. But the only way to find out is to try diplomacy.

September 17, 2013
A Potemkin Syria Deal
The US-Russia deal on Syria achieves next to nothing—for America or the world.

September 09, 2013
It’s Time to Wage Peace in the Asia-Pacific
The US and China need to pursue peace and understanding as vigorously as they prepare for war.

August 13, 2013
How Putin Can Retaliate Against Obama
Across Asia and elsewhere, Russia has a number of options for responding to the summit’s cancellation.

August 05, 2013
Keeping China’s Second Aircraft Carrier in Perspective
New pictures suggest that China is building its first domestically made aircraft carrier. What are the implications?

July 29, 2013
China's Folly of Self-Containment
Don’t blame the US Pivot; China is containing itself.

July 19, 2013
America’s AirSea Battle vs. China’s A2/AD: Who Wins?
Military realities aside, there could be no winners in a clash between China and the U.S.

July 13, 2013
Time For a 21st Century Missile Defense
“In the coming years, the threat of missile proliferation will only grow — so must our thinking on this critical issue.”