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J. Michael Cole

J. Michael Cole

J. Michael Cole is editor in chief of Taiwan Sentinel as well as a Taipei-based Senior Fellow with the China Policy Institute/Taiwan Studies Programme at the University of Nottingham, UK

J. Michael Cole is editor in chief of Taiwan Sentinel as well as a Taipei-based Senior Fellow with the China Policy Institute/Taiwan Studies Programme at the University of Nottingham, UK and associate researcher with the French Centre for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC). He was chief editor of, a site sponsored by a foundation created by current Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen, from 2014-16, and deputy news editor at the Taipei Times from 2010-13. He is a former analyst at the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) in Ottawa and has a Master’s Degree in War Studies from the Royal Military College of Canada. He is a regular columnist for The Diplomat, The National Interest, and a contributor for Jane’s Defence Weekly. His work has also appeared in several international outlets including the Wall Street Journal, the Globe and Mail, the Christian Science Monitor, the Age, the Brookings Institution, and CNN. His latest book, Convergence or Conflict in the Taiwan Strait, was published by Routledge in 2016.
You can follow him on Twitter: @jmichaelcole1.
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