The Diplomat | Author
James R. Holmes
James R. Holmes is a defense analyst for The Diplomat and a professor of strategy at the U.S. Naval War College where he specializes in U.S., Chinese and Indian maritime strategy and U.S. diplomatic and military history.
He is co-author of Red Star over the Pacific, an Atlantic Monthly Best Foreign Affairs Book for 2010 and a former US Navy surface warfare officer.
The views voiced here are his alone.
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November 26, 2014
How Machiavelli Explains Chuck Hagel's Resignation
By James R. Holmes
Scratching your head over Hagel's resignation? Let Niccolò Machiavelli explain!

November 24, 2014
Clausewitz, Kaplan and the Passionate Realist
By James R. Holmes
Reason guides realism, but passion is indispensable in the execution of policy.

November 22, 2014
Fighting Ebola? Read Thucydides
By James R. Holmes
Thucydides isn't entirely silent on the topic of civilizational encounter with plague.

November 12, 2014
Everything You Know About Clausewitz Is Wrong
By James R. Holmes
A botched translation of Clausewitz has had an enduring impact on our thinking on warfare.

November 10, 2014
Australia's First Naval Battle
By James R. Holmes
"November 9 is when the light cruiser HMAS Sydney met the light cruiser SMS Emden in action in the Indian Ocean."

November 08, 2014
China Could Still Build 'String of Pearls'
By James R. Holmes
Just because China hasn't built bases in the Indian Ocean yet, doesn't mean it won't in the future.

November 07, 2014
America’s Newest Destroyer Is Already Outdated
By James R. Holmes
To be effective, Zumwalt destroyers require command of the sea, which the US can no longer take for granted.

November 01, 2014
How to Reform Naval Education
By James R. Holmes
Require entry-level officers to learn what they need to know — while also allowing them to indulge their interests.

October 30, 2014
Relearning Anti-Submarine Warfare
By James R. Holmes
The U.S. Navy's post-Cold War holiday from history is drawing to a close—if it hasn’t expired already.

October 25, 2014
Relax, China's Aircraft Carrier Is Fine
By James R. Holmes
Reports of Chinese aircraft carrier Liaoning’s death are greatly exaggerated.

October 22, 2014
How Seapower Can Win Hearts and Minds
By James R. Holmes
Like American politicians, the U.S. Navy needs to woo the American electorate to retain public support.

October 17, 2014
The US Can't Outsource Warfighting
By James R. Holmes
Offshore powers have long tried to get continental powers to fight their wars. It's rarely worked.