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Jiachen Shi

Jiachen Shi

Jiachen Shi is a Ph.D. candidate in Political Science at Tulane University.

He received his M.A. in International Relations from the University of Liverpool. His research interests include U.S.-China relations, Comparative politics between the U.S. and China,  Political economy, and Political psychology. His articles have been featured in The Diplomat and the National Interest.

Posts by Jiachen Shi
September 25, 2024

Why Isn’t the ‘China Card’ Effective in This US Election?

By Jiachen Shi
China has not emerged as a key issue in this campaign cycle, due to both policy convergence and a focus on domestic issues.

July 20, 2024

How Will the Judicial Branch Impact the Future of TikTok and China-US Relations?

By Jiachen Shi
The ramifications of the TikTok case on presidential authority resonate with a significant judicial landmark in China-U.S. relations from over four decades ago: 1978’s Goldwater v. Carter.
June 18, 2024

Should the US Initiate a New Round of Backroom Diplomacy With China?

By Jiachen Shi
The political conditions in the U.S. aren’t quite right – and China doesn’t seem receptive to such outreach, rendering it an unnecessary option for the time being.

May 07, 2024

The State Department’s Complex Role in Making China Policy

By Jiachen Shi
As China emerges as a strategic competitor to the United States, its issues have transcended the traditional spheres of policymaking.

April 22, 2024

Leadership Shift in the House China Select Committee Could Cripple Congress’ Anti-China Momentum

By Jiachen Shi
Representative Mike Gallagher’s surprise resignation will create a leadership vacuum in the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, which he chaired.

March 12, 2024

The China Policy Gap Between Biden and Trump Is Bigger Than You Think

By Jiachen Shi
Rhetorically, the two presidential candidates hit many of the same notes. But in practice they have approached competition with China very differently.
February 01, 2024

Would Donald Trump Start a China-US Trade War 2.0?

By Jiachen Shi
Even if Trump could somehow weather the economic repercussions of another trade war, the broader political consequences for the Republican Party would likely be insurmountable.

December 20, 2023

Does the 2024 US Defense Policy Bill Signify Bipartisan Agreement on China?

By Jiachen Shi
There is less consensus on U.S. China policy than it might seem, particularly among rank-and-file politicians. 

December 06, 2023

The Newsom-DeSantis Debate Reveals Growing Partisan Conflict Over US China Policy

By Jiachen Shi
The debate between the state governors highlighted the divide between Democrats and Republicans on China.

October 12, 2023

House Speaker Drama Will Plunge US China Policy Into Uncertainty

By Jiachen Shi
Kevin McCarthy's ouster – and the rising power of the Freedom Caucus – will intensify internal divisions on China policy.

September 01, 2023

The First Republican Presidential Debate Revealed a Crucial Split on China Policy 

By Jiachen Shi
The clash between Reaganism and the non-interventionism championed by the rising New Right will have enormous implications for China policy.
July 28, 2023

Identity Politics in U.S. China Policy Could Backfire

By Jiachen Shi
In their rhetoric, politicians may emphasize the distinction between the CCP and the people, but this serves to justify increasingly hawkish policies that don’t really consider that division.

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