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Jio Kamata

Jio Kamata

Jio Kamata is a freelance writer and regular contributor to the Japanese opinion website Agora.

He graduated magna cum laude from the Global Studies program of Akita International University. His articles have also been published in The Japan Forward and The Japan Times.

Posts by Jio Kamata
July 19, 2024

The Coming Clash Between Japan’s Current and Former Prime Ministers

By Jio Kamata
The upcoming LDP election will be a battle over policy and personality, and Prime Minister Kishida Fumio and his predecessor, Suga Yoshihide, symbolize the LDP's internal divide.

June 13, 2024

The Missed Opportunity of Japan’s Kishida Fumio

By Jio Kamata
The Japanese leader missed his chance to hold a snap election and cement his power. Now his leadership of both party and country is in jeopardy.
May 01, 2024

Will Izumi Kenta Be Japan’s Next Prime Minister?

By Jio Kamata
A CDP government looks more likely than ever – even if it’s still a low-odds proposition. 

March 28, 2024

Is Japan Leaving Pacifism Behind?

By Jio Kamata
Although with deep hesitation, the country as a whole is beginning to reconfigure the meaning of pacifism.

March 06, 2024

Japan’s Ruling Party Wants to Export Its Next-Generation Fighter. The Public Is Reluctant. 

By Jio Kamata
The LDP's coalition partner is opposed to allowing exports of the co-produced fighters, citing public resistance to the idea.

February 14, 2024

Kishida’s Struggle to Win Over Japan’s Conservatives 

By Jio Kamata
Despite progress on key conservative priorities, the Japanese prime minister hasn’t been able to shake his liberal reputation.
February 07, 2024

The Osaka Expo Could Make or Break Nippon Ishin’s Political Future

By Jio Kamata
The success of Nippon Ishin as a national political force has originated from their effort to convince the voters of their competent governance in Osaka. The Expo is a major test.

December 22, 2023

As Scandal Engulfs the LDP, the Kishida Administration Goes on

By Jio Kamata
Despite a growing scandal and bottom-dwelling approval ratings, Prime Minister Kishida faces a window of stability.

October 19, 2023

Can Kishida Turn the LDP Into a Friend of Labor?

By Jio Kamata
The LDP is hoping to capitalize on rifts within the Japanese Trade Union Confederation and the opposition ranks.

September 25, 2023

Does Japan’s Kishida Fumio Deserve the ‘Profiles in Courage’ Award?

By Jio Kamata
So far, South Korea's President Yoon has been more proactive in advancing the relationship – and more willing to tolerate political risks at home.

September 18, 2023

Why Does the Japanese Left Hate Nippon Ishin So Much?

By Jio Kamata
Ishin may have the best chance of becoming an opposition force to be reckoned with, but leftists fear the party even more than the LDP.
August 24, 2023

Intensifying China-US Rivalry Imperils the ‘Yoshida Doctrine’

By Jio Kamata
Yoshida wanted to retain historical ties with China and obtain security guarantees from the U.S. That balance looks increasingly unlikely today.

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