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Kenji Yoshida

Kenji Yoshida is an associate correspondent with JAPAN Forward based in Seoul, South Korea.

Kenji Yoshida is an associate correspondent with JAPAN Forward based in Seoul. He earned his bachelor’s degree in government from The College of William Mary.
Posts by Kenji Yoshida
September 09, 2024

A Population Expert Deciphers South Korea’s Plummeting Birth Rate

By Kenji Yoshida and Jason Morgan
Dr. Lee Sang-lim of Seoul National University warns that South Korea is facing an existential crisis due to alarming demographic trends.

July 24, 2024

Interview With Dr. Choi Eunmi: Can the Japan-South Korea Friendship Endure?

By Kenji Yoshida and Jason Morgan
“The shared problem is that neither country sufficiently sought to convince its citizens of the importance of its neighbor.”
July 18, 2024

South Korea in the Maelstrom: East Asia’s Geopolitical Upheaval Brings Danger

By Kenji Yoshida and Jason Morgan
“With Kim now emboldened, the prospect of unconventional acts like terrorist attacks on South Korean infrastructure and civilians is a real possibility,” says Dr. Cho Sung-min.

July 17, 2024

Nippon Ishin no Kai’s Baba Nobuyuki Faces Hard Political Realities in Tokyo and Osaka

By Jason Morgan and Kenji Yoshida
An interview with the opposition party leader on the push for political reform and setbacks to the upcoming World Expo in his political stronghold.

June 19, 2024

Dr. Cha Du Hyeogn Unravels South Korea’s Security Quandary

By Kenji Yoshida and Jason Morgan
How the Russia-Ukraine war and the "Trump factor" mesh with mounting tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

June 01, 2024

Why Doctors Are Against South Korea’s Expansion of Medical School Admissions

By Kenji Yoshida
A KMA spokesperson weighs in on the ongoing strike and South Korea’s medical crisis.
May 18, 2024

‘Cold War 2.0’: George Takach on the Evolving World Order

By Kenji Yoshida
“Innovations like artificial intelligence and semiconductor technology are expected to be pivotal battlegrounds in this New Cold War era.”

May 03, 2024

Park Yu-ha Speaks out on Her Battle Against Censorship

By Kenji Yoshida
After nearly a decade of legal battles, Park was acquitted of defamation for a book that complicated the prevailing narrative on comfort women.

March 04, 2024

Moon Chung-in on Escalating Inter-Korea Tensions and What Lies Ahead

By Kenji Yoshida
The former special adviser to the South Korean president believes recent moves by Kim Jong Un represent a “brave new world.”

January 30, 2024

Ahn Cheol-soo on the State of South Korean Politics

By Kenji Yoshida
An interview with the former third-party presidential candidate turned PPP lawmaker.

January 13, 2024

Tae Yong-ho on North Korea’s Purposeful Aggression

By Kenji Yoshida
The North Korean diplomat-turned-South Korean lawmaker discusses Pyongyang’s stepped-up artillery shelling and its foreign policy strategy.
January 04, 2024

Can Han Dong-hoon Unite and Lead South Korea’s Ruling Party? 

By Kenji Yoshida and Jason Morgan
Former Justice Minister Han Dong-hoon is the PPP's new leader, but it remains to be seen whether he can step out from President Yoon's shadow.

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