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Mohamed Zeeshan

Mohamed Zeeshan

Mohamed Zeeshan is a foreign affairs columnist and author of “Flying Blind: India’s Quest for Global Leadership.”

Mohamed Zeeshan is a foreign affairs columnist, consultant and author based in Washington, DC. He is a regular writer on international affairs and his key areas of interest are Indian foreign policy, Asian geopolitics and global economics. He has previously served as a consultant to the Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations in New York and advised governments in the Middle East on issues of foreign policy and economic reform. Zeeshan has previously written for The Washington Post, The Telegraph and others, and currently writes regular columns on Indian and international affairs for the South China Morning Post and Deccan Herald. His first book, titled “Flying Blind: India’s Quest for Global Leadership,” deals with India’s aspirations and interests as an emerging power and was published by Penguin in 2021. Follow him on X.

Posts by Mohamed Zeeshan
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January 05, 2021

India’s Effort to Reform the United Nations Security Council Demands a New Mindset

By Mohamed Zeeshan
Fence-sitting and ambiguous positions on key international security issues hasn’t served the country’s global ambitions well.
December 02, 2020

On Economic Reforms, Modi’s Strength Is His Weakness

By Mohamed Zeeshan
To revive its economy, India needs more democracy, not less.

November 02, 2020

India Stands With Macron – But Not For the Same Things

By Mohamed Zeeshan
New Delhi wants to divorce human rights advocacy from its fight against Islamist terrorism.

October 16, 2020

Trump Has Undermined His Own Quad Goals

By Mohamed Zeeshan
A shared threat from China should have led Australia, India, and Japan to rally behind the U.S. Why hasn’t that happened?

October 06, 2020

Can India Pursue the ‘Strategic Encirclement’ of China?

By Mohamed Zeeshan
Pushing back against Chinese behavior in East and Southeast Asia would shore up India's position in the Himalayas.
September 02, 2020

India’s Identity Politics Has Reached Its Diaspora in the US

By Mohamed Zeeshan
Fragmentation of the Indian-American community stands to diminish its power as an Indian foreign policy lobby.

August 03, 2020

India Cannot Rely on Russian Defense Ties Anymore

By Mohamed Zeeshan
Ideally, India would exploit a split in Russia-China relations. But there’s no split to exploit and New Delhi is better off seeking strategic compatibility elsewhere.
July 01, 2020

India’s Great Firewall Against China Could Backfire

By Mohamed Zeeshan
The ban of Chinese media apps could do little to harm China, but much to dilute India's free society.

June 02, 2020

India Should Go Global to Defend Against China

By Mohamed Zeeshan
To defend itself in the Himalayas, India should look away from its borders.

May 14, 2020

India’s Big Test at the World Health Organization

By Mohamed Zeeshan
India gets to lead the WHO’s Executive Board at a political charged time, presenting challenges and opportunities.

May 05, 2020

In Looking Beyond Its Lockdown, India Can Look to Its Past Public Health Successes

By Mohamed Zeeshan
India needs a long-term exit strategy to break out of its lockdown.
April 07, 2020

Can India Organize Post-COVID–19 Global Action?

By Mohamed Zeeshan
Does India have a post-pandemic template for global leadership in the 21st century?

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