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Mong Palatino

Mong Palatino

Mong Palatino served for two terms in the House of Representatives in the Philippines representing the youth sector.

He is a regular blogger and Global Voices regional editor for Southeast Asia and Oceania.

Posts by Mong Palatino
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October 15, 2013

Beauty, Race, and Politics on the Pageant Circuit

Recent Asian winners of international beauty contests have faced criticism, racist remarks.

October 09, 2013

Chin Peng: Hero or Criminal?

The recently deceased communist leader Chin Peng has severely divided opinion in Malaysia.

October 03, 2013

Suu Kyi Lectures Singapore on Materialism

Aung San Suu Kyi has suggested that Singapore could learn some soft lessons from her native Myanmar.

September 27, 2013

Harrison Ford and Rihanna: Environmental Crusaders?

Western celebrities have ruffled official feathers over the environment in Thailand and Indonesia.

September 19, 2013

Thailand Opposition Behaving Badly

MPs from Thailand’s opposition party recently acted up in parliament, losing political ground in the process.

September 11, 2013

Why Rallies Are Not Really Rallies in Manila and Phnom Penh

There are “meetings” and “picnics” in Cambodia and the Philippines, but no “protests”.

September 05, 2013

Deadly Accidents in Malaysia and Philippines Expose Weak Transport Systems

Accidents on land and at sea highlight the need for improved safety standards.

August 28, 2013

Filipinos Say No to Pork in March Against Corruption

Could the recent protests against pork-barrel politics in the Philippines be the start of a larger grassroots movement?

August 21, 2013

More Religion, Less Science for Indonesian Students

The Indonesian government has announced a major education reform that has generated heated criticism.

August 15, 2013

Oil Spill Disasters Strike Thailand and the Philippines

Just as soon as the haze has lifted across Southeast Asia, the region has been hit with two large oil spills.

August 08, 2013

Decree 72: Vietnam’s Confusing Internet Law

A new decree has perplexed Vietnamese Internet users over the sharing of news on social networks.

August 02, 2013

LGBT Politics in Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia’s LGBT community is starting to make some political headway, but the battle is long and uphill.

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