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Noto Suoneto

Noto Suoneto

Thomas Noto Suoneto is a foreign policy analyst and host of Foreign Policy Talks Podcast.

Thomas Noto Suoneto is a foreign policy analyst and host of Foreign Policy Talks Podcast. His area of interest is on East Asian Affairs, International Political Economy, Indonesia’s Foreign Policy and Indonesia’s relationships with major powers. He is now involved in Indonesian Youth Diplomacy (IYD) to prepare for the G20 (Y20) Summit in 2022. He was the Director for Special Projects and Institutional Relations at Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI), responsible for managing the cooperation with foreign embassies, international organisations and research institutions. He was also part of the Asian Scholars and Experts Delegation to North Korea in 2018, Indonesia-Korea Young Leaders Dialogue in 2019, the ASEAN-China Youth Summit in 2021 and many others. Just recently, he led the first-ever Birmingham Asia Forum (BAF) with the support of Asia Research Group and Indonesia-Korea New Southern Policy Young Professionals Lab program under the supervision of Korea Foundation based in Seoul. Noto was also the Secretary of China Policy Group during his time at FPCI.

Noto holds a Master Degree in International Political Economy at the University of Birmingham under the Chevening Scholarship and a Bachelor Degree of International Relations at Binus University. He is currently based in the United Kingdom. Follow his podcast channel @foreignpolicytalks on Instagram.

Posts by Noto Suoneto
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July 16, 2021

Indonesia to Host G20 Summit Next Year: What Will be on the Agenda?

By Noto Suoneto
Southeast Asia's largest nation has a chance to take the lead on issues of regional and global concern.
June 29, 2021

South Korea’s New Southern Policy: The Indonesia Dimension

By Noto Suoneto
President Moon's policy seems tailor-made for Indonesia, but much more can be done to improve the relationship between the two nations.

June 18, 2021

Assessing Prabowo Subianto’s Defense Diplomacy

By Noto Suoneto and Ananta Evander
Nearly two years on from his surprise appointment, how do the efforts of the Indonesian Defense Minister hold up?

April 20, 2021

The Prospects for ‘Global Britain’ in Southeast Asia

By Noto Suoneto and Frederik Wrist
The U.K.'s engagement with Southeast Asia will be a test of London’s claim to a major role on the world stage.

March 29, 2021

Britain’s Integrated Foreign Policy Review and Its Relations with Indonesia

By Noto Suoneto
The two nations have every reason to develop their relationship in the post-Brexit era.
November 09, 2020

The Challenges Facing US-Indonesia Relations Post-Trump

By Noto Suoneto and Noto Suoneto
China has used the pandemic to deepen its engagement with Indonesia. Here's how the U.S. can compete.

October 07, 2020

The Five Strategic Challenges Facing US-Indonesia Relations

By Noto Suoneto and Noto Suoneto
As a new ambassador takes up his post in Washington, Indonesia faces a host of obstacles to a more fruitful relationship with the U.S.
September 22, 2020

After Abe, Opportunities Loom for Japan-Indonesia Relations

By Noto Suoneto, Birgitta Riani, and Noto Suoneto and Birgitta Riani
Prime Minister Suga has a golden opportunity to deepen relations with key Indo-Pacific partners, including Indonesia.

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