The Diplomat | Author

Oliver Stuenkel
Oliver Stuenkel is an Associate Professor of International Relations at the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV) in São Paulo.
His research focuses on rising powers and their impact on global governance. He is the author of the IBSA: The Rise of the Global South? (2014, Routledge), The BRICS and the Future of Global Order (2015, Lexington) and Post-Western World (2016, Polity).
He writes about rising powers at Post Western World and can be found on twitter at @OliverStuenkel.

November 20, 2020
Why the BRICS Grouping Is Here to Stay
By Oliver Stuenkel
Western reactions to 12th BRICS Summit are largely dismissive, but critics overlook tangible benefits for member countries.

March 09, 2017
Book Review: Why Govern? Rethinking Demand and Progress in Global Governance
By Oliver Stuenkel
The transition to multipolarity may be destabilizing, but the new order is undoubtedly a more democratic one.

September 26, 2016
The Post-Western World and the Rise of a Parallel Order
By Oliver Stuenkel
"We stand at the cusp of a historic shift of power away from the West toward Asia."

March 09, 2015
Book Review: Empress Dowager Cixi: The Concubine Who Launched Modern China
By Oliver Stuenkel
Jung Chang's 2013 release, now available as an e-book, reflects on one of modern China's most influential figures.

July 09, 2014
The New Decentralized World Order
By Oliver Stuenkel
Just because rising powers have benefited from the U.S.-led global order does not mean they will leave it intact.

June 25, 2014
The US Should Celebrate Its Decline
By Oliver Stuenkel
The Upside of Down argues that the U.S. is declining — and that’s a good thing, especially for Washington.

February 22, 2014
The Death of IMF Reform?
By Oliver Stuenkel
In rejecting crucial reforms to the International Monetary Fund, Congress is jeopardizing U.S. global leadership.

January 17, 2014
The BRICS’ African Safari
By Oliver Stuenkel
It’s not just China; the BRICS are all active in Africa and taking divergent paths.

December 21, 2013
India and China Are Not Destined to Clash
By Oliver Stuenkel
In Samudra Manthan, C. Raja Mohan predicts that Sino-Indo rivalry will extend to the maritime domain. That's questionable.

December 05, 2013
Failure Won’t Deter US Nation-Building Complex
By Oliver Stuenkel
Jeremi Suri shows that US nation-building is too deeply rooted to be impeded by the Iraq and Afghanistan debacles.

August 13, 2012
Keep BRICS and IBSA Separate
By Oliver Stuenkel
Some may want to merge IBSA and BRICS. India, Brazil, and South Africa should resist.
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