The Diplomat | Author
Richard Weitz
Richard Weitz writes a weekly column on Asia-Pacific strategic and security issues. He is director of the Center for Political-Military Analysis and a Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute. His commentaries have appeared in the International Herald Tribune, The Guardian and Wall Street Journal (Europe), among other publications.
February 02, 2013
The Long Shadow of Chemical Weapons
As recent debates swirl around nuclear weapons, chemical weapons have the potential to cause great harm — especially in Asia.

December 16, 2012
The North Korea Problem
Pyongyang has successfully tested a long-range rocket. What may happen next — including missiles someday armed with nuclear warheads — could make matters worse.

October 26, 2012
Who is Best for Asia: Romney or Obama? You Decide.
During Monday’s foreign policy debate, Asia’s future was an important topic. Dr. Richard Weitz breaks down the candidates’ positions.

October 03, 2012
Can Moscow and Washington Join Hands in the Pacific?
With Russia intensifying its regional diplomacy and America ‘rebalancing’ to the Pacific, both nations have much to gain by working together.

August 13, 2012
The Resurgence of the U.S.- Japan Relationship
While some focus on recent tensions, Tokyo and Washington have been quietly strengthening their security alliance.

July 21, 2012
After Veto, What China Can Still Do To Ease Assad Out
China’s Syria veto at the Security Council was no surprise. Richard Weitz looks at what Beijing might still be willing to do.

July 11, 2012
The 'Great Game' 2.0
Russia’s plan to use regional organizations as levers in Central Asia has some flaws, argues Richard Weitz.

July 04, 2012
China-Russia's Anti-NATO?
China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, & Uzbekistan have yet to take new members. Richard Weitz explains why.

June 25, 2012
Grading the U.S. Rebalance
With the U.S. presidential election fast approaching, it’s worth asking how successful one of the biggest Obama administration foreign policy drives has been. It’s a mixed bag.

June 06, 2012
No to U.S. Nukes in South Korea
A U.S. House committee is pressing the U.S. to consider redeploying tactical nuclear weapons in South Korea. It’s a bad idea.

May 07, 2012
Hillary’s Passage to India
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s trip to India may not garner quite the same headlines her China trip did. But Iran ensures the visit may still be tricky.
May 03, 2012
Pivot Out, Rebalance In
Talk of a U.S. pivot toward the Asia-Pacific is being replaced with the idea of a rebalancing. Regardless, U.S. military strategy is taking on an interesting shape.