The Diplomat | Author
Robert Dreyfuss
Robert Dreyfuss is an independent, investigative journalist in the Washington, D.C, area, who writes frequently for The Nation, Rolling Stone, and other publications. His blog, The Dreyfuss Report, appears at He is the author of ‘Devil’s Game: How the United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam’.

November 07, 2011
Getting Ready for the IAEA Storm
It’s unclear whether the new IAEA report on Iran’s nuclear program has anything new. But even before its release, Israel has stoked speculation of a military strike.

October 25, 2011
US Considering Afghan Ceasefire?
Hillary Clinton has raised the question of a US ceasefire in Afghanistan. It may be recognition that there’s no military solution to this decade-old conflict.

October 15, 2011
Punching Holes in the Iran Plot
The idea that the alleged Iranian plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador went to the very top is fanciful, says Robert Dreyfuss. Still, it has almost certainly scuppered the prospects for talks.

October 02, 2011
Is Iran Ready to Compromise?
There are some encouraging signs Iran may be willing to compromise over its nuclear programme. But is the Obama administration willing to listen?
June 17, 2011
US Mood Shifts on Afghanistan
The US is set to announce details of the drawdown of troops from Afghanistan next week. Balancing the generals and growing antiwar sentiment isn’t easy.

June 02, 2011
Inside Iran’s Fight for Supremacy
Claims of witchcraft and sorcery, firings and reinstatements – who will win the battle of wills between the Supreme Leader and President Ahmadinejad?

March 24, 2011
Beginning of the End in Afghanistan
With public support tumbling and politicians on all sides keen to find a way out, the Obama administration has been quietly changing tack.

March 12, 2011
Back to the Drawing Board on Iran
A new US intelligence estimate shies from accusing Iran of restarting pursuit of a nuclear bomb. But Arab world unrest has strengthened its hand.

February 01, 2011
A Glimmer of Hope Over Iran?
The latest round of P5+1 talks over Iran’s nuclear programme broke up without agreement. But things might not be as bad as they look.

January 20, 2011
It Just Got Worse in Afghanistan
Hamid Karzai’s decision to postpone the inauguration of the new parliament deepens what was already a political crisis, argues Robert Dreyfuss.

January 06, 2011
US Hardliners Lose Ground on Iran?
With growing speculation that the Obama administration might allow Iran to continue enriching uranium, is a deal back on the cards?