The Diplomat | Author

Robert E. Kelly
Dr. Robert E. Kelly is an associate professor of international relations in the Department of Political Science and Diplomacy at Pusan National University in South Korea. His research interests focus on security in northeast Asia, US foreign policy, and the international financial institutions. He has written for outlets including Foreign Affairs, the European Journal of International Relations, and the Economist, and he has spoken on television news services including BBC and CCTV. His personal website/blog is here; his Twitter page is here.
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June 18, 2014
The Complex China-South Korea Relationship
By Robert E. Kelly
An upcoming visit by Xi Jinping to South Korea will likely leave much unsaid.

May 08, 2014
No, Crimea Is Not a “Model” for Aggression in Asia
By Robert E. Kelly
There is little evidence that China (or anyone else) views Russian aggression as a model for action in Asia.

April 07, 2014
Unintended Consequences of US Alliances in Asia
By Robert E. Kelly
The benefits of US alliances in Asia are often touted, but what about the costs?

March 13, 2014
Three Hypotheses on Korea’s Intense Resentment of Japan
By Robert E. Kelly
Another perspective on the troubled relations of the East Asian neighbors.

February 10, 2014
What Would Chinese Hegemony Look Like?
By Robert E. Kelly
It is certainly not inevitable, but what form would a Sinic Monroe Doctrine take?

January 02, 2014
Northeast Asia: Top 5 Security Stories of 2013
By Robert E. Kelly
A look back at the stories most likely to have implications going forward in 2014.

December 11, 2013
US-Japan Alliance Sparks Korean Grand Strategy Debate
By Robert E. Kelly
Korea’s issues with Japan are much more deep-seated than U.S. policymakers seem to understand.

November 07, 2013
US Power Can Withstand Some Dysfunction
By Robert E. Kelly
America has some substantial advantages over its nearest rivals, which won’t quickly be eroded by Washington dysfunction.

October 07, 2013
Syria and the Capping of Executive War Powers
By Robert E. Kelly
Syria may have been a bridge too far for untrammeled executive war powers. That’s good for democracy.

September 06, 2013
Why the West Should Relax About China
By Robert E. Kelly
Air-Sea Battle and the pivot seem an overreaction to China’s rise, given the number of challenges Beijing already faces.

August 12, 2013
South Korea: Who Should Have Wartime Command?
By Robert E. Kelly
The saga over U.S. OPCON – wartime control of the South Korean military – continues.

June 30, 2013
Will These Youth Protests Spread to Asia’s Corrupted Democracies?
By Robert E. Kelly
Several have many of the same hallmarks as those that have recently experienced unrest.