The Diplomat | Author

Sher Khashimov
Sher Khashimov is a Tajikistan-born freelance journalist.
Sher Khashimov is a Tajikistan-born freelance journalist who examines culture, identity, social issues, digital politics, and press freedom in the former USSR, with a focus on Central Asia.

March 01, 2025
To Russia With Waning Love: Changing Migration Dynamics in Central Asia
By Sher Khashimov
Russia and Central Asia have been mutually shaped by decades of labor migration, but these long-running ties have begun to fray.

February 26, 2025
Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan Finalize Border Agreement
By Sher Khashimov
With final documents ready for ratification and then presidential signatures, contemporary Central Asia’s bloodiest conflict nears a conclusion.

July 04, 2024
Bloggers in the Crosshairs: The Complex Reality of Media Freedom in Uzbekistan
By Sher Khashimov and Asiya Kerimova
Despite presidential promises, arrests of bloggers critical of the government highlight the fragility of free speech in Mirziyoyev's Uzbekistan.

June 07, 2024
Keeping Kyrgyz Journalism Afloat While the Island of Democracy Sinks
By Aigerim Turgunbaeva and Sher Khashimov
“One way or another, our journalists will do what matters.”

April 15, 2024
Uzbekistan’s Educational Challenge: Scaling up for a Booming Population
By Niginakhon Saida and Sher Khashimov
Can Uzbekistan’s education system accommodate the growing number of students amid rapid population growth?

March 01, 2023
China’s Rise Reverberates in Tajikistan
By Sher Khashimov
China’s growing importance to – and influence over – the country is a case study in Beijing’s geopolitical rise over the past several decades.

February 01, 2022
The Struggle to Power Tajikistan
By Sher Khashimov
Tajikistan struggles with electricity rationing 30 years after independence, despite long-held dreams of becoming an energy export powerhouse.

May 12, 2021
Young People, Social Media, and Urban Transformation of Dushanbe
By Sher Khashimov and Tahmina Inoyatova
In the Tajik capital, young people turn to social media to document and discuss the changing face of the city.

November 03, 2020
Is This Tajikistan’s #MeToo Moment?
By Sher Khashimov, Steve Swerdlow, and Sher Khashimov and Steve Swerdlow
Could a court decision punishing a victim of sexual harassment and the newspaper that helped her be Tajikistan’s #MeToo moment?
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