The Diplomat | Author

Thiago de Aragao
Thiago de Aragao is the director of strategy at Arko Advice, the leading public affairs company in Latin America, and an an adjunct professor at Marymount University, lecturing on China-LatAm relations.
Thiago de Aragao is the director of strategy at Arko Advice, the leading public affairs company in Latin America, and an an adjunct professor at Marymount University, lecturing on China-LatAm relations. He has given presentations about the Brazilian and Latin American political environment in over a dozen countries and universities in the United States, Canada, Europe, and China.
A specialist in political risk analysis and political network analysis, focused on China-Latin America relations, through his work he advises over 100 companies, rating agencies and investment funds from Brazil, the U.S., and Europe. He is a senior associate at the Center for Strategic and International Studies and columnist of the leading Brazilian newspaper, O Estado de S. Paulo.
Thiago is an alum of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (Master in Global Policy) and currently sits on the board of Fight Cancer Global Organization. In May 2021, Thiago testified at the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Committee, U.S. Congress.

August 29, 2024
China Isn’t Poised to Invade Taiwan – But Beijing Might Benefit From That Perception
By Thiago de Aragao

February 03, 2024
The Iran Factor in the China-Taiwan-US Triangle
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December 20, 2023
The Geopolitical Ripple: How China-US Tensions Reshape Business in Latin America
By Thiago de Aragao

October 13, 2023
Israel, Iran, and China Put to the Test
By Thiago de Aragao

August 28, 2023
BRICS: A China-Led Group Looking for Relevance
By Thiago de Aragao

August 09, 2023
Why China’s Stock Exchange Creates a Headache the Chinese Communist Party
By Thiago de Aragao

October 04, 2022
How Will Brazil’s Next President Approach Asia Policy?
By Thiago de Aragao