The Diplomat | Author
Trefor Moss
Trefor Moss is an independent journalist based in Hong Kong. He covers Asian politics, defence and security, and was Asia-Pacific Editor at Jane’s Defence Weekly until 2009. He can be followed on Twitter @Trefor1.

January 16, 2014
Okinawa & Futenma: Deal Or No Deal?
By Trefor Moss

December 05, 2013
China and Japan: Uprating National Security
By Trefor Moss

November 03, 2013
Japan’s New (Defensive) Attack Force
Japan’s rapid moves to develop an amphibious capability is sending a clear signal on a certain group of disputed islands.

F-35: Still on Asia’s Radar?
Several Asian countries are interested in the American F-35 JSF. But Canada’s U-turn on buying the jet won’t encourage Asian partners to sign up any time soon. Will the program survive?

September 15, 2013
History Wars: A Long View of Asia's Territorial Disputes
The Diplomat takes a look at the long and complex background to some of the region’s most intractable disputes.

September 01, 2013
More Megaprojects? What China’s Rebalancing Means for Asia
China’s growth may be slowing, but that doesn’t mean its economic presence in Asia will diminish.

July 24, 2013
Okinawa: the Scotland of Asia?
Some Okinawans feel they are in line for a shot at self-determination. Will Chinese interest help or hinder their cause?

June 24, 2013
Southeast Asia: The Next Crisis?
The region’s overheated economy faces a period of adjustment – and for some countries the correction could prove very painful.

June 04, 2013
Soft Power? China Has Plenty
China has little attractive power – in the West. But then not everyone is watching China through Western eyes.

May 05, 2013
America's Pivot to Asia: A Report Card
The pivot is a smart policy which is more nuanced than most people realize. But its China blind spot could be its undoing.

April 19, 2013
Is Cyber War the New Cold War?
China and the U.S. both want a rules-based cyberspace, but do not see eye to eye. A potentially dangerous Cyber Cold War awaits if they cannot agree on some rules of engagement.

March 02, 2013
Here Come...China's Drones
China is developing its own drone technology — for its own military and for sale around the world.