The Diplomat | Author

Yang Hengjun
Yang Hengjun is a Chinese independent scholar, novelist, and blogger.
Yang Hengjun is a Chinese independent scholar, novelist, and blogger. He once worked in the Chinese Foreign Ministry and as a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council in Washington, DC. Yang received his Ph.D. from the University of Technology, Sydney in Australia. His Chinese language blog is featured on major Chinese current affairs and international relations portals and his pieces receive millions of hits. Yang’s blog can be accessed at

May 07, 2016
How Far Is China From Another Cultural Revolution?
By Yang Hengjun
Corruption and popular discontent led to one of China's most tumultuous periods. Could it happen again?

April 25, 2016
How US Intelligence Gets China Wrong
By Yang Hengjun
Another look at Michael Pillsbury's The Hundred Year Marathon.

April 15, 2016
China’s 3 Options for 'Unifying' Taiwan
By Yang Hengjun
Using Taiwanese factionalism to gain a foothold could be the most attractive option for Beijing.

November 21, 2015
The Cold War and Holy War: A Chinese Take on the ‘Clash of Civilizations’
By Yang Hengjun
Blogger Yang Hengjun on the Paris attacks and the idea of a "clash of civilizations" -- and where China fits in.

November 08, 2015
What Do Chinese Netizens Think of North Korea?
By Yang Hengjun
Chinese netizens believe North Korea's current path is not sustainable.

October 03, 2015
Why China Needs Both of Its Great Modern Writers
By Yang Hengjun
Both the anger of Lu Xun and the tolerance of Hu Shih have key roles to play in today's China.

September 10, 2015
Why China's 'Retired' Leaders Don't Leave Quietly
By Yang Hengjun
Unlimited power and little supervision encourage officials to seek to influence politics long after they retire.

August 29, 2015
Does China Have a Roadmap to Eliminate Corruption?
By Yang Hengjun
What's really driving the fight against corruption?

August 21, 2015
3 Directives From China's President That Aren't Being Followed
By Yang Hengjun
What China needs to do to continue to push through with reforms.

August 06, 2015
Taiwan's Transition: From Concentration Camps to Democracy
By Yang Hengjun
Taiwan's transition to a democracy has lessons for mainland China.

July 27, 2015
Xi Jinping's Greatest Challenge
By Yang Hengjun
It's not anti-corruption or the economy, but a deeper contradiction.

June 17, 2015
Government Oversight with 'Chinese Characteristics'
By Yang Hengjun
Why feedback machines in government offices aren't a substitute for political reform.
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