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China's Approach to the Middle East Looks Familiar

China's Approach to the Middle East Looks Familiar

By Massoud Hayoun
Despite repudiating American foreign policy, China now borrows heavily from U.S.-style Middle Eastern diplomacy.
Killing the Mekong, Dam by Dam

Killing the Mekong, Dam by Dam

By Tom Fawthrop
Regional governments have been underestimating the environmental and economic costs of Mekong dams.

Can Duterte Bring Peace to the Philippines?

Can Duterte Bring Peace to the Philippines?

By Zachary Abuza
Forging peace in Mindanao is a far more challenging task than many appreciate.

Khrushchev’s Fate and China’s Future 

Khrushchev’s Fate and China’s Future 

By Joseph Torigian
What Xi Jinping can learn from Khrushchev's struggles with reform in the Soviet Union.

The Myth of India’s Non-Aligned Boycott

The Myth of India’s Non-Aligned Boycott

By Kate Sullivan de Estrada and Patrick Quinton-Brown
Why India's media was so ready to buy into the idea that Modi boycotted the Non-Aligned Summit.
William Mesny: The Mercenary Mandarin

William Mesny: The Mercenary Mandarin

By David Leffman
An Englishman's rise (and fall) in Qing-dynasty China.

Xi's 'China Dream' Comes to Coal Country

Xi's 'China Dream' Comes to Coal Country

By Francois Dubé
Frustration with corrupt and inept local authorities in Shanxi fuels support for Xi Jinping’s push to be core leader.
Myanmar’s Opening: Doing Business in Asia’s Final Frontier

Myanmar’s Opening: Doing Business in Asia’s Final Frontier

By Edward Parker
Myanmar looks to be on the path to a prosperous future and a fast-growing, dynamic economy.

Evaluating China's Economy

Evaluating China's Economy

By Fatima-Zohra Er-Rafia
Can China keep up its growth and deliver on its "harmony" pact with the Chinese people?

China and Germany: The Honeymoon Is Over

China and Germany: The Honeymoon Is Over

By Klaus Larres
A visit to China by Germany's economics minister highlighted a blunter approach to bilateral relations.

Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste Prepare for Strategic Elections

Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste Prepare for Strategic Elections

By Luke Hunt
Elections in the two countries could determine their future interactions with ASEAN neighbors.

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