
Crossroads Asia

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Mongolian Parliament Passes Legislation to Establish Sovereign Wealth Fund

Mongolian Parliament Passes Legislation to Establish Sovereign Wealth Fund

By Bolor Lkhaajav
Can Mongolia finally ensure that its mineral wealth benefits the people?
TikTok’s Rocky Road in Central Asia

TikTok’s Rocky Road in Central Asia

By Catherine Putz
TikTok has faced pressure across Central Asia, with governments often citing the protection of children to justify restriction. 

UK Foreign Secretary’s Visit to Central Asia and Mongolia: An Urgent To-Do List    

UK Foreign Secretary’s Visit to Central Asia and Mongolia: An Urgent To-Do List    

By Sophia Nina Burna-Asefi
David Cameron is on a six-nation tour of Central Asia, underscoring the U.K.'s reinvigorated engagement with the region. 

Turkmenistan’s Afghanistan Policy: Balancing Risks and Untapped Opportunities

Turkmenistan’s Afghanistan Policy: Balancing Risks and Untapped Opportunities

By Eldaniz Gusseinov
Ashgabat has a delicate balance to maintain between hewing to its traditional neutrality and mitigating potential threats from Afghanistan. 

The Complex Geopolitics of Mongolia’s Language Reform

The Complex Geopolitics of Mongolia’s Language Reform

By Sumiya Chuluunbaatar
It has been almost 80 years since Mongolia switched to using the Cyrillic alphabet. Why is the government now promoting the traditional bichig script?
Live-streamed Murder Trial Reopens Discussion on Domestic Violence in Kazakhstan

Live-streamed Murder Trial Reopens Discussion on Domestic Violence in Kazakhstan

By Mia Tarp Nurmagambetova
No matter what the verdict against Bishimbayev turns out to be, change in relation to domestic violence in Kazakhstan is long overdue. 

How Are Patterns of Labor Migration From Uzbekistan Changing?

How Are Patterns of Labor Migration From Uzbekistan Changing?

By Niginakhon Saida
Following the Crocus City Hall attack and a subsequent wave of xenophobia and discrimination toward migrants in Russia, Tashkent has introduced additional measures to support its labor migrants abroad and at home. 
Open Society Foundations Closes Down Kyrgyzstan Operation

Open Society Foundations Closes Down Kyrgyzstan Operation

By Catherine Putz
In announcing the closure of Soros Foundation-Kyrgyzstan, the Open Society Foundations cited the new “foreign representatives” law.

Uzbekistan’s Educational Challenge: Scaling up for a Booming Population

Uzbekistan’s Educational Challenge: Scaling up for a Booming Population

By Niginakhon Saida and Sher Khashimov
Can Uzbekistan’s education system accommodate the growing number of students amid rapid population growth?

Kyrgyzstan Adopts Law Targeting Foreign-Funded NGOs

Kyrgyzstan Adopts Law Targeting Foreign-Funded NGOs

By Colleen Wood
The restrictive law was first proposed 10 years ago. How could it affect Kyrgyz society now that it’s been passed?

What Repercussions Are Tajiks Facing After the Moscow Terror Attack?

What Repercussions Are Tajiks Facing After the Moscow Terror Attack?

By Alex Little
While Tajiks in Russia have and will likely continue to face mistreatment and repression, this is not their first time weathering such a storm. 
Detained Kyrgyz Journalist Alleges Abuse by Guards

Detained Kyrgyz Journalist Alleges Abuse by Guards

By Catherine Putz
Ombudsman representatives confirmed Makhabat Tajibek kyzy was bruised from an apparent beating, but detention center staff would not allow them to document it. 

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