
Crossroads Asia

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Comparing Chinese and Indian Energy Security Strategies in Central Asia

Comparing Chinese and Indian Energy Security Strategies in Central Asia

By Kashif Hasan Khan and Marin Ekstrom
In terms of energy security, China is currently edging out India for influence in Central Asia. 
Beaten, Threatened and ‘Outed’: The Ordeals of LGBTQ+ People in Tajikistan

Beaten, Threatened and ‘Outed’: The Ordeals of LGBTQ+ People in Tajikistan

By Alva Omarova
The Tajik authorities portray themselves as protectors of morality, and adopt harsh measures to prevent LGBTQ+ people from living their lives.

Can Mongolia Boost Women’s Representation in Its 2024 General Election?

Can Mongolia Boost Women’s Representation in Its 2024 General Election?

By Bolor Lkhaajav
This election will be the first test of a constitutional reform that expanded the parliament, with an eye toward increasing representation for women and disadvantaged groups.

Italian Insurer Buttresses Russian Gas Investment in Uzbekistan

Italian Insurer Buttresses Russian Gas Investment in Uzbekistan

By Paolo Sorbello
A series of investigations links Italy’s state funds with Gazprombank.

US Puts Additional Central Asian Companies on Russia Sanctions List

US Puts Additional Central Asian Companies on Russia Sanctions List

By Catherine Putz
The latest round of sanctions designations included a Kyrgyzstan-based company and two firms based in Kazakhstan.
Karakalpak Activist Muratbai Given Asylum Seeker Status in Kazakhstan

Karakalpak Activist Muratbai Given Asylum Seeker Status in Kazakhstan

By Catherine Putz
The certificate delays his extradition to Uzbekistan and could lead to the granting of refugee status. But in practice, the country rarely grants refugee status to anyone.

In Farcical Vote, Kyrgyz ‘Foreign Representative’ Law Moves Ahead Again

In Farcical Vote, Kyrgyz ‘Foreign Representative’ Law Moves Ahead Again

By Catherine Putz
Despite being under serious government pressure, Kyrgyz media reported that some deputies cast votes for their absent colleagues in violation of parliamentary rules.
Fratricidal Jihad: Assessing the Central Asian ISKP Attacks on Turkey

Fratricidal Jihad: Assessing the Central Asian ISKP Attacks on Turkey

By Uran Botobekov
Due to linguistic, religious, and cultural commonalities, members of the Islamic State and al-Qaida from Central Asia can often bypass security filters in the wider Turkic world.

Slow Suffocation in Central Asia

Slow Suffocation in Central Asia

By Alva Omarova
A lack of political will on the part of Central Asian governments prevents the region from dealing seriously with its air quality problem.

Prominent Karakalpak Activist Aqylbek Muratbai Facing Extradition From Kazakhstan to Uzbekistan

Prominent Karakalpak Activist Aqylbek Muratbai Facing Extradition From Kazakhstan to Uzbekistan

By Catherine Putz
Muratbai has been a vital voice in calling attention to Uzbekistan's persecution of the Karakalpak people. His detention in Kazakhstan is yet another warning shot.

Japan’s Role in Healing the Aral Sea and Engaging Central Asia

Japan’s Role in Healing the Aral Sea and Engaging Central Asia

By Wilder Alejandro Sánchez and Marin Ekstrom
Tokyo is a quiet but important partner to Central Asia, with notable engagement on projects related to the Aral Sea.
Germany Becomes First EU Country to Forge Strategic Partnership With Mongolia

Germany Becomes First EU Country to Forge Strategic Partnership With Mongolia

By Bolor Lkhaajav
The new strategic partnership is carrying Germany-Mongolia relations beyond the traditional framework of cooperation into mutual support on the international stage.

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