
Crossroads Asia

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The Chechen Connection: Kadyrov Weighs in on Allamjonov Case in Uzbekistan

The Chechen Connection: Kadyrov Weighs in on Allamjonov Case in Uzbekistan

By Catherine Putz
In trying to dissuade anyone from noting a “Chechen trace” in the events in Uzbekistan, Kadyrov made the connection even more difficult to set aside.
World’s Coldest Capital Endures Electricity Interruptions as Mongolia Tackles Energy Insecurity

World’s Coldest Capital Endures Electricity Interruptions as Mongolia Tackles Energy Insecurity

By Telmen Altanshagai
Power disruptions in Ulaanbaatar add more urgency to the government’s existing focus on energy reforms.

A Ceremonial Start to Construction of the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan Railway

A Ceremonial Start to Construction of the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan Railway

By Catherine Putz
A Chinese statement noted that construction of the Kyrgyz section of the CKU Railway is scheduled to begin in July 2025 and last for six years.

A Look Back at 2024 in Central Asia

A Look Back at 2024 in Central Asia

By Catherine Putz
How did I do on my outlook for Central Asia 2024? 

Emerging Russian Firm Takes Place of Sanctioned Lender in Central Asia

Emerging Russian Firm Takes Place of Sanctioned Lender in Central Asia

By Daniel Beizsley
Russia’s substitution of VEB.RF with an under-the-radar firm is helping the country and its neighbors find a way around Western sanctions.
Uzbekistan Moves to Protect Rights of Uzbek Citizens in Russia

Uzbekistan Moves to Protect Rights of Uzbek Citizens in Russia

By Niginakhon Saida
As the Ukraine war drags on, Central Asian nationals, including Uzbeks in Russia – particularly those in Russian prisons – are increasingly vulnerable. Can Tashkent protect their rights?

In Kyrgyzstan, Matraimov Wriggles Free Again With a Fine

In Kyrgyzstan, Matraimov Wriggles Free Again With a Fine

By Catherine Putz
When he was extradited to Kyrgyzstan earlier this year, Matraimov was alleged to be connected to an opaque assassination plot. He just got off with a fine for hooliganism. 
With Prime Minister’s Visit, Mongolia Boosts Third Neighbor Ties With the Middle East

With Prime Minister’s Visit, Mongolia Boosts Third Neighbor Ties With the Middle East

By Bolor Lkhaajav
Prime Minister Oyun-Erdene Luvsannamsrai paid a working visit to Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates.

The Legitimization of Land Grabbing in Uzbekistan’s Cotton Sector 

The Legitimization of Land Grabbing in Uzbekistan’s Cotton Sector 

By Lynn Schweisfurth
Farmers pay a heavy price in the name of privatization.

No Rallies in 3 Years? Kyrgyz President Claims ‘Stability,’ Forgets Reality

No Rallies in 3 Years? Kyrgyz President Claims ‘Stability,’ Forgets Reality

By Catherine Putz
Despite a ban on rallies in much of Bishkek since March 2022, there have actually been rallies, protests, and even riots in the country in recent years.

Mongolia Eyes India as Third Destination for Coal Exports

Mongolia Eyes India as Third Destination for Coal Exports

By Bolor Lkhaajav
Mongolian coal exports to India have the potential to reduce Ulaanbaatar’s landlocked conundrum. 
Sanctions on Gazprombank Imperil Uzbek Copper Mine Expansion

Sanctions on Gazprombank Imperil Uzbek Copper Mine Expansion

By Daniel Beizsley
The $4.8 billion Yoshlik expansion project aims to vastly expand Uzbekistan’s copper output, but the Western sanctioning of Russian banks financing the project put the enterprise at risk.

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