
Hope and Fear on the Kyrgyz-Tajik Border
By Joe Luc Barnes and Alibek Mukambaev
Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are closing in on the conclusion of their long-running border dispute. What does the prospect mean to locals?

In Delhi, BJP’s Roughshod Politics Prove a Winning Formula
By Anando Bhakto
Delhi's voters dismissed the AAP from office, signaling approval of the BJP's relentless targeting of the opposition party.

2024 Was a Dismal Year for Chinese Philanthropy
By Vincent Chow
China’s economic woes, and a general lack of trust exacerbated by corruption scandals, are driving a downward trend in charitable giving.

Cambodia: A Test for China’s ‘BRI 2.0’ Vision
By Chhay Lim and Genevieve Donnellon-May
The country's experience highlights both the transformative potential of Chinese investment and the challenges that risk undermining Beijing’s credibility.

Shifting Gears: China’s Advanced EV Hegemony in Central Asia
By Aigerim Turgunbaeva
Economic, political, and environmental trends are accelerating Central Asia’s shift to EVs, and Chinese firms are at the forefront.

Lost Votes, Broken Trust: Understanding Gen Z’s Disenchantment with Elections in Bangladesh
By Shahadat Swadhin
A new survey finds that three-quarters of youth in Bangladesh have never voted in any national election – and asks them why.

Beyond the Canal: The Real Risk of China’s Engagement in Panama
By R. Evan Ellis
China’s combination of presence, influence, and compromising relationships within Panama’s elite gives it numerous opportunities to exploit. The solution is transparency and good governance.

The China-Myanmar Economic Corridor and the Limits of China’s BRI Agency
By Pascal Abb
The case of CMEC and other Chinese business activities in Myanmar show how exposed China is to escalating conflict risks, and offer insight to the role it is playing in the ongoing civil war.

Amid Environmental Concerns, Hong Kong’s ‘Silicon Valley’ Project Presses Ahead
By Katie Schulder-Battis
A massive new development project, centered around the San Tin Technopole, will transform farm and village land – including manmade wetlands crucial for regional wildlife.

The US AI Diffusion Framework: Global Implications and Unintended Consequences
By Fatih Oktay
The framework would divide the world into AI “haves” and “have nots,” based on nations' willingness to align with the U.S. against China.

Afghan Women’s Cricket Team Makes Their Debut – in Melbourne
By Bianca Roberts and Ciaran O’Mahony
The first match by the Afghan women’s cricket team is placing the Taliban under additional diplomatic pressure.

The Growing Ambitions of the Pakistani Taliban
By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
Newly empowered and emboldened, the TTP dreams of following in the Afghan Taliban’s footsteps by carving out its own emirate – this time on Pakistani soil.