

Will China’s military rival the United States’ in the Pacific? Will Japan abandon the constitutional fetters on its own military? How will India respond to the String of Pearls strategy? The Diplomat has put together a team of leading analysts to offer must-read, regular commentary on the big defense and security issues in the Asia-Pacific.

Monitoring China’s Mineral Stockpiling and Understanding Its Military Implications

Monitoring China’s Mineral Stockpiling and Understanding Its Military Implications

By Gregory Wischer and Morgan Bazilian
Discerning when China is stockpiling – and why – is increasingly challenging given China’s increasing secrecy about mineral-related information. 

Is America Ready for the New Cold War?

Is America Ready for the New Cold War?

By Monish Tourangbam and Arushi Singh
The U.S. faces a crisis of leadership at home and grapples with a perception problem abroad. 
The ‘Corridorizing’ of Asia: Cooperation, Competition, and Consequences

The ‘Corridorizing’ of Asia: Cooperation, Competition, and Consequences

By Sophia Nina Burna-Asefi
Intense competition, epitomized by competing “corridors,” is emerging in Asia and beyond between the U.S., China, and Russia. 

The Most Misunderstood – and Important – Factor in the AI Arms Race

The Most Misunderstood – and Important – Factor in the AI Arms Race

By Hadley Spadaccini
The increasing scarcity of computational resources is now defining China-U.S. AI competition more than algorithmic superiority. 

Equipping the Japan-US Alliance to Handle China’s Disinformation Operations

Equipping the Japan-US Alliance to Handle China’s Disinformation Operations

By Jeffrey W. Hornung and Mina Pollmann
While much of the recent analytical focus has been on its role in a crisis, disinformation can have pernicious, real-world effects in peacetime. 

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Securing Submarine Cables: A Critical Imperative for Indo-Pacific Stability

Securing Submarine Cables: A Critical Imperative for Indo-Pacific Stability

By Jihoon Yu
Submarine cables are the unsung heroes of the digital age, enabling the connectivity that drives economic growth and societal development.

Can China and the US Find Common Ground on Military Use of AI?

Can China and the US Find Common Ground on Military Use of AI?

By Mathew Jie Sheng Yeo and Hyeyoon Jeong
Entrusting AI with the autonomy and power to deploy nuclear weapons is a scenario to be avoided at all costs. Time to take baby steps toward that goal.
Delayed US Arms Transfers to Taiwan: Déjà Vu?

Delayed US Arms Transfers to Taiwan: Déjà Vu?

By Jung-Ming Chang and Che-Jen Wang
The situation recalls the early 1950s, when U.S. arms sales to Taiwan were delayed by other priorities. Unfortunately, Taiwan’s need is much greater today.

India’s Arm Sales to Israel During a War Are a Political Statement

India’s Arm Sales to Israel During a War Are a Political Statement

By Omair Anas
India must seek a broader regional engagement beyond bilateral immediacies in the Middle East.

Japan Warms up to NATO 

Japan Warms up to NATO 

By Yukari Easton
Nothing can substitute Japan’s collective defense with the United States, but working with a multilateral bloc such as NATO is an important effort to bolster deterrence. 

The Folly of Interlinking NATO and US Asian Alliances

The Folly of Interlinking NATO and US Asian Alliances

By James Park and Artin DerSimonian
NATO’s drift into the Asia-Pacific could only heighten tensions in an already fraught regional environment. 
Putin Hosts India’s Modi to Deepen Ties, but Ukraine Looms Over Their Relationship

Putin Hosts India’s Modi to Deepen Ties, but Ukraine Looms Over Their Relationship

By Emma Burrows and Krutika Pathi
India has avoided condemning Russia while emphasizing the need for a peaceful settlement to the conflict. 

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