

Will China’s military rival the United States’ in the Pacific? Will Japan abandon the constitutional fetters on its own military? How will India respond to the String of Pearls strategy? The Diplomat has put together a team of leading analysts to offer must-read, regular commentary on the big defense and security issues in the Asia-Pacific.

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The Importance of the Joint Statement on the US-ASEAN Strategic Partnership

The Importance of the Joint Statement on the US-ASEAN Strategic Partnership

By Ben Schreer and Sheryn Lee
The elevated relationship sends a clear message to China.
China's Military Just Got a Big Structural Shakeup

China's Military Just Got a Big Structural Shakeup

By Ankit Panda
Plus, cost overrun and due diligence in Afghanistan, Mischief Reef updates, and more. Thanksgiving weekend links.

A New Confidence-Building Process for the South China Sea?

By Bill Hayton
Confidence-building over the South China Sea isn't easy, but a recent meeting in Vietnam shows that it is possible.

Arguments Open in Philippine Case Against China's South China Sea Claims

Arguments Open in Philippine Case Against China's South China Sea Claims

By Shannon Tiezzi
After winning a victory on the issue of jurisdiction, Manila moves to arguments about the merits of its case.

Ever Wonder How China Got Back Into International Diplomacy After the Cultural Revolution?

Ever Wonder How China Got Back Into International Diplomacy After the Cultural Revolution?

By Robert Farley
China's successful entry into the international scene after the Cultural Revolution bears lessons for other pariah states.
US Cyber Command’s Veiled Threat: China ‘Vulnerable’ in Cyberspace

US Cyber Command’s Veiled Threat: China ‘Vulnerable’ in Cyberspace

By Franz-Stefan Gady
U.S. Admiral Mike Rogers hints at retaliatory cyber strikes should China continue malicious hacks.

Military Facilities Aren't Militarization in the South China Sea: Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister

Military Facilities Aren't Militarization in the South China Sea: Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister

By Ankit Panda
What does China mean when it speaks about militarization in the South China Sea?
Next US Navy South China Sea Freedom of Navigation Operation: Mischief Reef

Next US Navy South China Sea Freedom of Navigation Operation: Mischief Reef

By Ankit Panda
The U.S. Navy will likely sail within 12 nautical miles of Mischief Reef soon.

China is on ‘High Alert’ for Japan’s ‘Intervention’ in South China Sea

China is on ‘High Alert’ for Japan’s ‘Intervention’ in South China Sea

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Abe says Japan would consider patrols in the South China Sea, China isn't too happy about the suggestion.

India Approves Security Pacts With Germany

India Approves Security Pacts With Germany

By Ankit Panda
India and Germany make moves, Iran's nuke deal implementation, and resolve in the South China Sea. Security updates.

Is Justin Trudeau Going to Rethink Canda's Approach to the Asia-Pacific?

Is Justin Trudeau Going to Rethink Canda's Approach to the Asia-Pacific?

By Robert Farley
Canada has always been interested in the Asia-Pacific, but its new government may change its approach.
The Myth of a ‘Strategic Imbalance’ in the South China Sea

The Myth of a ‘Strategic Imbalance’ in the South China Sea

By Greg Austin
As Australia focuses on China's perceived advantages in the SCS, it's worth taking a closer look at that narrative.

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